Someone’s Been Installing Fake Power Outlets in Airports as a Practical Joke

Back in September I wrote about someone putting up fake power outlets at airports. Best I could figure it’s just meant as a cruel, cruel practical joke.

We all need to quickly charge devices between flights, especially when we’re flying planes and aircraft without seat power (and without seat back entertainment, where we’re forced to use those devices for entertainment). And airports are notorious for their lack of available outlets for passengers. Spotting an outlet may seem like the holy grail, but turn out to be a mirage.

It turns out you can buy these stickers on Amazon to pull your own prank. It’s a trick people have been pulling at airports for years, it seems.

Recently it’s become popular at the Dublin airport. (HT: Jennifer Billock)

Have you ever run across this? Why would someone do this to a fellow traveler, aren’t we supposed to be in this together?

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I’ve seen the stickers and – esp. because they tend to peel – they are very obviously stickers.

    Some people aren’t terribly alert, it would appear, as I’ve watched people try to plug something into the sticker repeatedly. The stickers lack the tactile feel one gets with a real outlet so all this is is a big practical joke. The author of this story should be laughing at it, not saying “we are all in this together”.

  2. Have to say you are extremely late to the party on this one. Been going on for ages.

    Search YouTube

  3. @Martin Worth

    “Some people aren’t terribly alert, it would appear,”

    I haven’t been caught by this, but after a 15 hour flight to HKG leaving the US in the middle of the night, I’m definitely not terribly alert when I arrive.

  4. Ha ha! Those wacky travel pranksters! What will they think of next? Fake smoking areas? Gunpowder residue spray cans to spray on people passing through TSA checkpoints? Slipping a little ipecac into the neighbor’s coffee on a flight? The fun possibilities are endless!

  5. I saw one in the O’Hare AC recently and it definitely had scratch marks from people trying to plug stuff in.

  6. Sorry it took me awhile to post on this thread. I was busy shopping on Amazon. 🙂

  7. Cant understand why people are not taking them down once discovered? I would trash them!

  8. This is hilariously awesome!

    Seriously, why are people on this board offended by this? We’re all in lounges anyway…

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