Bodycam Footage Captures Drunken Mother-Daughter Karens Melting Down At Four Seasons, Blames George Soros For Arrest

Policy bodycam footage has been released from an incident at the Four Seasons Palm Beach, where a mother and daughter – visibly intoxicated – tried to enter a hotel room. When they were unable to gain access, staff members reported that the women – dubbed mother and daughter Karens – became aggressive and verbally abusive.

Credit: Four Seasons Palm Beach

The Four Seasons contacted law enforcement to remove them. An officer approached them, requesting they step outside to discuss the matter in a quieter environment. The mother insisted, “I want to stay, we don’t drink alcohol!”

The daughter was heard sobbing, labeling the staff as “awful,” while the mother recounted feeling threatened, stating, “These people are so mean.”

The officer noted that the mother’s breath smelled of alcohol, while the woman denied having had a drink in 15 years. According to hotel staff, the daughter kicked her mother and punched another employee.

That’s when things deteriorated. The daughter accused the staff of being “f***ing liberal.” Police went to arrest them, but the daughter feigned injury by throwing herself to the ground and crying for help. The mother accused President Joe Biden and Democratic officials, along with billionaire George Soros, of orchestrating their arrest.

Upon arrival at the jail, the daughter continued her threats to sue the police, while the mother attempted to kick the cell bars, seemingly trying to break free or provoke the jail staff.

And this is why Spirit Airlines doesn’t put up passengers at the Four Seasons when their Fort Lauderdale flights are cancelled.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Soros! Classic! I’m surprised they didn’t also blame ‘DEI’ too. Why not! How’s the price of eggs going?

  2. If they claim they attacked the police to support Donald Trump, he will issue them a pardon.

  3. Update: After spending a night in the can, she received a coupon for a free night at The Villages…that way it doesn’t matter which room she stumbles into.

  4. Zing. A win for @KidStarA. They probably would have been named heroes of free speech. But, were they guests of the hotel? Still waiting for my eggs to drop to a reasonable $5 per dozen, but glad to hear that whales and windmills will no longer endanger each other.

  5. Maybe Soros used his jewish space lasers to signal Joe Biden, kinda like the Bat Signal. Looks like we have the spouse and offspring of Florida Man.

  6. And this happened in February *2024*… I expect more of these kinds of incidents to occur over the next four years.

  7. The Four Seasons!!! I’ll bet all the other guests just loved this. Great cocktail party fodder about the ‘unwashed masses’. Wish I’d been there to see it.

  8. I love watching all the lefties here melt down.

    Trump is still your president and you can’t change that and you also can’t change that the j6 patriots are free. J6 was the American Bastille day.

    Elon is king.

  9. Everyone knows about the liberal police of Palm Beach 0_o

    Also the YouTube comments are pure gold

  10. @Mike

    Point taken, most police officers are usually right-wingers, but believe it or not, Palm Beach (and, of course, Broward) are still majority ‘blue’ counties (even in the 2024 election) in the now deep ‘red’ state of Florida. The irony of Mar-A-Lago being there is not lost on me either.


    I’d imagine you’re right. These folks think they can act with impunity because their hero ‘got away with it’ and if they do something awful in his name, he’ll just pardon them, right?

  11. If I were a judge and saw this video, unless they were contrite in the courtroom, they’d face penalties at the high range of what was available.
    Are you sure they don’t post here. The unwillingness to hear the other side is typical of a few regulars.

  12. I’m sure the orange draft-dodging sh*tstain coward will pardon these white trash losers.

    Good thing these Ho’s weren’t black. They would have been tazed with a Tesla Battery.

  13. @1990: “How’s the price of eggs going?”

    Forget eggs. Being reported in some venues that if the “NAFTA tariffs” go into effect 01 FEB, the average cost of a new car will increase by $3000.00

    Tariff, baby, tariff!

    BTW – It was only a matter of time before AndyS’ wife & daughter made a headline grabbing appearance on this blog.

  14. @aaway


    AndyS (and the others) have been notably quiet here lately. The fellow did eventually add a super-late comment on another recent post about ‘DEI’ but it was honestly ‘half-ass,’ like, he could do a lot better. If you’re gonna be a hateful bigot like him, do it for real, don’t just phone it in, ya know!

    Oh yeah, and the price of eggs is $0 when there are supply shortages like this week. But, for some reason, no one is discussing that reality. Reminds me of something about ‘chocolate rations’ by a larger brother or something. Whatever. Anyway, are as still at war with Eurasia, or was it Eastasia?

  15. @Mantis

    You mean to tell us that VFTW isn’t the NYTimes or the Associated Press?! No way!

    I would say ‘get over yourself,’ but I personally enjoy your nonsensical right-wing banter. In fact, with this slew of recent ‘DEI’ posts from Gary, I expected you and @AndyS to have quick retorts for us all. Alas, we had to wait a little. Glad you made it to the party, son.

    So, when are you ‘deporting’ my kind (liberals), anyways? I was looking forward to going camping.

    ‘Let’s go camping, can’t wait to go camping, even if you hate camping, you still gotta go camping, that’s the point of camping, is that you gotta hate camping…’

  16. I guess all the Righty’s and Trump supporters are too busy celebrating to look at this post.
    Looks like its been run over by lefty sore losers 🙂

  17. So, mom is in the travel industry, was she staying on on an employee discount? That could have been the end of her job.

  18. “I’m sure the orange draft-dodging sh*tstain coward will pardon these white trash losers.”

    Draft dodger? Oh right, you mean Bill Clinton! Maybe Barack, too? After all, there’s no record of a Barry Sotero ever registering for Selective Service.

    Let’s try to bash both sides equally, m’kay? Neither political side is perfect. As someone whose father fought and died in Vietnam (Operation Swift, 1967), I have little sympathy for draft dodgers, but let’s remember that liberals dodged the draft, too, and in massive numbers. They continue to do so, being the ones who statistically fail to register compared to conservatives. Then, they whine when they realize that failure to register today means no federally subsidized student loans, nor federal government jobs, and so on.

    If you want to call Trump a “sh*tstain coward,” by all means go ahead. Just be sure to include Bill, Barry, and the rest of your liberal idols in there, as well. And, don’t even get me started on how Obama wound up with the Social Security number of a French immigrant from Connecticut. A little identity theft, perhaps? Again, equal time on the outrage. There are highly questionable people on both sides of the aisle.

  19. Had they been anything other than wealthy white guests, the arrest would have taken 30 seconds and they’d have likely arrived bloodied at the station.

  20. Gas (the promise from the Don the Con was less than $2.00/gallon) actually went up since last week. WaWa was $2.99 last week but this week it’s $3.15. But Don…man…you promised on Day One??? Oh yeah…and eggs are still expensive and the Ukraine /Russia war is still happening. At least he released a bunch of guys that assaulted and beat cops…so there’s that I guess!

  21. @Moe

    You’re here, and Mantis showed up, so apparently not enough celebrating. How’s ‘no tax on tips’ going?

    And the only ‘sore losers’ are the Jan 6ers. Oh, wait, those cop-killers are now ‘patriots’ apparently. Riiiiight.

    How about those ‘awkward gestures’ and ‘Roman salutes’ normalized by President Musk! He’s just autistic, eh?

  22. What do you think her husband thought about this and the rest of their friends that most likely have seen the video!

  23. I grew up watching Cops. I have never had more respect and admiration for law enforcement than after watching this video.
    Screaming into their ears like that alone should be a felony.
    Could someone have drugged the womens’ drinks? This is some of the most extreme behavior I’ve ever seen.

  24. U N B E L I E V A B L E, so many things wrong with these people.

    Gary, Please try to follow up and see what the consequence were?

    also- Those officers are my heroes for showing great patience and restraint.

    I hope Four Seasons PBI comped each office 2-3 nights to recover from the SCREAMING .

    Sad, just sad

  25. The most incredible thing about this entire video is when the woman mentions she is actually still married. I was not expecting that. Poor guy.

  26. My favorite thing in the universe is hearing entitled, white Karen’s cuffed behind their backs screaming the “I can’t breathe” accusation you just KNOW they’ve mocked before.

  27. This isn’t political. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican no one should condone this type of behavior. These people are repugnant.

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