Back in October I singled out Amtrak Guest Rewards for real shame because of their poor customer service and history of making changes to their program with no notice whatsoever.
Then, last month, I did flag Amtrak for offering something new of real value — transfers out to Choice Hotels at a ratio that would allow members to convert their points 1:1 into most airlines (because Choice hotels has a variety of airline transfers). 5,000 Amtrak yielded 25,000 Choice and then 5,000 miles in many programs. That was huge.
Though, given Amtrak Guest Rewards’ history, I suggested anything of value like this couldn’t last.
Then, yesterday, with no notice whatsoever Amtrak reduced the value of their transfers to Choice Hotels. Instead of getting 25,000 Choice hotel points for 5,000 Amtrak points, you now get only 15,000 points with Choice. Less than six weeks after the redemption offer was introduced, it was slashed, again with not even a day’s notice at all.
Shame, shame.