Lots of folks have been earning lots of points from social media checkins, by signing up with Topguest and linking a Foursquare account and then identifying your location with participating loyalty programs like Priority Club and Doubletree hotels (Hilton HHonors).
There’s lots of discussion on Milepoint of folks who may have checked in a few too many times, perhaps without being anywhere near the locations they were checking in at, and got warning emails from Topguest as a result.
Now there appears to be a new option for earning free miles for social media checkins.
Via this Milepoint thread, Tripanomaly will give you 80 Delta Skymiles “just for sharing your location at a Delta Airlines terminal, departure gate or any of our listed partner locations.”
It will be nice to pick up a few free miles. Since I lost top guest in Sept.
SIGNED up. Thanks. How does one check in now? thanks
SIGNED up. Thanks. How does one check in now? thanks
I had trouble getting a signup/signin window in Chrome. Firefox worked fine.
I’d say its not worth the 80miles but then I do lots of crazy stuff for miles so this seems right in my wheel house
Thanks for the heads up
Hmm, thanks for the heads up Gary. I still can’t quite understand how you checkin as it seems their mobile app is still in the works.
I keep getting an error from Chrome. Will try firefox.