This morning I linked to what struck me as one of the more far-fetched theories on Malaysia Airlines flight 370 that didn’t involve space aliens.
But we no longer need to speculate. Because Courtney Love has found the plane.

Heck, and I’ve turned down media to talk about this because I consider myself a non-expert. Though as one commenter said…
swear to god if courtney love finds the f!@#$ plane
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this just smells like teen spirit….all over again 🙂
@Ozaer N – I thought about a Teen Spirit comment, but none quite came out right and thought better of it 🙂
If you click on the “C” or the “L” in the image, you will get taken to a Chase or Lufthansa card landing page.
I think the links are broken. Want to get the Lufthansa card, but when I click the “L” nothing happens.
You need to grow your hair long and do drugs
Once you live the rock star lifestyle you’ll be good to give those interviews finding the plane for certain
Gary, I wouldn’t be publishing some teen’s, looking for glory, pictures that are and exactly as a debris, that floats all over the Ocean and I wouldn’t give such a Loud Name to your articles! I thought you were more serious in what you publish or copy and paste for your readers to read! Gary, if you somehow skipped last news, that I’d like to let you know that there are more facts to indicate that it’s been all preplanned thoroughly and there are more facts, indicating that an air-plane did landed safely somewhere (whether with live or not passengers), than crashed stupidly in the ocean after maneuvering and escaping the radars!!! Just turn on a simple logic: Who in sane mind working in air industry would fly an air-plane for the whole 8 hours just to bring it down eventually, without making demands, having a plot or making a point of such action! Gary, you do Better telling us about Frequent Flyer Miles, than Making ala-CNN “Breaking News” ))
You may be no expert on this particular flight. However, you have written in the past about airport and airline security. I would like to know your thoughts on the fact that people can apparently board international flights with stolen passports.
@Sam This isn’t a particularly shocking revelation, and in fact people departing the US, Canada, and the UK do not have their passports physically inspected by the government prior to flight.
@Jo – I think the inclusion of Courtney Love in the title made it clear this was not ‘actual news’.
Very poor taste!
Agree with the comment above. No need to post this crap.
@JustSaying Agree that the CL post isn’t her best work. Thanks for sharing it, Gary.
At this point it’s nothing I can laugh about. Bad taste of humour.
How convenient for the aircraft to show up next to a big red arrow and the word “plane” 😛
“Sam This isn’t a particularly shocking revelation, and in fact people departing the US, Canada, and the UK do not have their passports physically inspected by the government prior to flight.”
Gary- Please continue. I know that airline gate personnel are not government employees, but I still wonder what their scanning of our passports is actually checking. There is an Interpol database in Lyon which includes lists of stolen passports. Do the airlines’ scans check against that database (for Malaysia, it seems the answer is no). If not, why? And who should be doing that?
I hope you will address the very real security concerns here, identify the gaps and suggest improvements.
I hope these critical comments are tongue in cheek. It was funny for Gary to post this. Those who believe otherwise need to loosen up.
@Sam – I do not see the lack of outbound document checking as a particularly big security problem, and we certainly do not know that it was in this case.
“Heck, and I’ve turned down media to talk about this because I consider myself a non-expert. ”
OK, we get it. You turned down media to talk about this and you’re not an expert. How many times do we need to be reminded?
@Gary, hilarious! Nice touch of humor in a midst of reports finding the plane. Personally, as an English Literature novel, a plane disappearing without anyone to see it go might speak of the Star Trek days of cloaking devices. 🙂 After all, who would have ever believed that 3-d printers would exist, or bit-coins, or shock even the TV. 🙂 Everyone is allowed to hope for a brighter future for those aboard this disappearing event. Thank you for writing an article about it.
@Everyone else, allow the young to dream for if their creativity is stamped out, the world faces a bleak, humorless, colorless existence. Variety of thought is the spice of life.
I think the post is hilarious, mainly for the facebook comments people left.
Look, if you are not directly connected to any of these passengers, you can have your opinion that it’s poor taste but Gary isn’t damaging your psyche.
Go read if you want poor taste.