Regular readers know I’m not a fan of see passengers’ feet on a plane. I especially think it’s never a good idea to go into the lavatory with bare feet. But I don’t want to see feet on the bulkhead. The worst was a passenger clipping their toenails during diner service.
I regularly see bare feet in domestic first class.
And in international first class, too.

But bare or not, I don’t really think feet belong on the bulkhead.
Via Phil M., here’s a Rorschach test of sorts to test what you think of feet on a bulkhead:
Does this raise or lower the status of passengers putting their feet up on the bulkhead?
They aren’t on the bulkhead.
You need a better photo to say they are on the bulkhead. From this photo, I would say no, they are not. Actually her feet look magically levitated. It almost looks like there is something under her knee area helping prop her feet up, but that’s not clear either. The whole thing looks unnatural, like there is no clear point of support, like she is a gymnast or something. Do you know the source of the photo? Are you sure it’s not photoshopped. So many are these days.
Well, for a 10+ hour flight, I want to be as comfortable as possible. Taking my shoes off is just one of those ways to get comfortable.
To achieve the defamatory comments overflow you are looking for, a better picture is needed of Mrs. Clinton – The current picture is ambiguously, as you can decide to see it as the one heel is on the bulkhead and creating support for the other leg. OR you vaguely see the trolley under her legs creating the needed support.
How are they getting such good cell phone reception
KILLARY for prison!
She should be in Prison
The better questions would be why are politicians riding in first class?
If she Air force One she’ll be able to do whatever she wants, even join the mile high club I’d guess.
Come on guys.. It’s the bulkhead not the seat in front of her! After paying so much for the flight I think the passenger should be able to do what he/she wants on her own space. Also, if this picture was of President Obama or President Bush doing the same thing, no one would bat an eyelid. Please stop the gender bias.
Next photo I want to see is her feet on the walls of a jail cell. Also why not post the pic of her trimming her nails during the meal service.
It’s a charter. When you charter your own plane, you get to stroll around naked if you want, let alone prop your feet (with shoes still on) up.
Rules and etiquette are for little people
@Jason: LOL.
I’m never one to avoid a reason to indict Mrs. Clinton, but she kept her shoes on. That’s good enough for me.
@Greg99: Thanks a lot for the mental image, buddy.
@Emile: Gender bias? Lighten up, Francis.
Damn… Those are some vintage first class seats by way of the seat color choice
She is baring her ankles as well!
As long as she isn’t looking out of a plane window over Louisiana in an aloof manner during one of the deadliest hurricanes and costliest natural disasters in our history, I say the next POTUS can put her feet up if she wants.
most people have unsightly feet and some have feet that stink.
neither is what i want to see or smell on a plane, train or bus.
taking off one’s shoes is not as bad, as long as feet are not bare…imho.
To all the young bucks – When you get to be of certain age, dangling your legs for extended periods, specially when you have some medical problems, is not an option. Next time someone objects to my doing that, I will shove my feet with shoes on into his rear end or into his mouth if he opens it. So, shut the F up and charter a private plane if you don’t want to travel with me in first class.
If anyone should be locked up, it is the do nothing Congress that has put party ahead of country for the last 8 years.
Who cares about this? It’s the bulkhead which I hate anyway so she can put her shoes against the wall if she wants to. Just FYI, it appears that her feet are being propped up from something on the floor and not even touching the wall.
this gets my nomination for the proxmire award for most worthless blog posting of the decade. i personally only care what other people do when it’s
a. voluntary and
b. i can’t easily avoid it. this usually means offenses to senses like hearing and smell.
i find loud, stupid conversation, babies crying, applying nail polish, and smelly farting to be much more intrusive than any position someone’s body might be in or how they dress, and some of these are involuntary, so i can’t really object.
i could, for example, just read my book, rather than staring at your feet or, for that matter, your tits.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton can do whatever they want. Our legal system can’t do anything to them.
I agree with the sentiment that I never like to miss an opportunity to take a swipe at Hillary, but in reality there’s nothing unreasonable about what she’s doing in my opinion.
Her feet aren’t on the bulkhead. They are propped up under her calves.
Amazing amount of blithering idiot comments today…
Was this meaningless picture taken before or after she violated the Espionage Act with gross negligence and repeatedly lied in the process?
Flamebait fail. Try again, Gary!
Her legs are propped up by a carry on….She should still be in prison…and no, this has nothing to do with her being a woman….she is simply and liar and 100% corrupt….
i don’t see that her feet are on the bulkhead so what is your point? She shouldn’t elevate her legs? She is not bothering anyone.
If bulkhead feet “violations” are a big problem for you, you need to spend more time in the back of the plane and experience how the other half live.
Well, she does have a history of blood clots in her legs from flying so often, and I guarantee she is spending a lot of time on planes right now, so it’s a smart idea to make sure she is stretching.
Wow, your trumpiness (ignorance) shines through! First off it is not the bulkhead and secondly I prefer her over trump’s own private least I can relate to her.
Ya know Gary, I really get amused by you and your foot “fetish”. 🙂
Your mint, Mr. Creosote. Hilary sent it.
I stopped reading this blog several months ago because useful information had long ago been replaced by moronic posts like this. Checked back today to give it a second chance. Whoops!
Gary, stick with your night job: fighting Batman from your underground lair.
Are you kidding me? Who cares. She is traveling non stop, leave it alone, even asking the question is ridiculous.
What would be really shocking would be Donald Trump flying sans toupe .
An answer to someone above who always takes shoes off, I don’t care how long your flight is–keep your shoes on. I had some idiot take his shoes off and put them on the seat between us. Disgusting.
I don’t think Mrs. Clinton is doing anything wrong however. Leave her alone.
Who cares I farted on many airplanes and in coach guess I should be ashamed…..NOT
If this is really a picture of Hilary’s feet, this lady has problems. Swollen ankles are nothing to take lightly. I’m talking blood clots here. That was the first question that I was asked when I had
DVT blood clots (I didn’t have swollen ankles). Hilary needs to be careful with her health. Oh I don’t care if she takes her shoes off, as long as her feet don’t stink. LOL
I’ll be honest…if she put her feet on my headrest, I would probably have lost all control of myself and ripped off one of her loafers and buried my face in her soles. I’ve always had a thing for her feet and she always wears close toe heels flats and loafers….I would love being in a dark corner in a library sucking her toes..