Man Falls Onto Baggage Claim Carousel And Can’t Get Off

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. As to ‘Man Falls Onto Baggage Claim Carousel And Can’t Get Off’, this like so many TikTok videos, was obviously staged.

  2. What do you expect?

    Plane lands, people get off. 15 minutes after last passenger leaves, they start boarding the next flight. You really think they do a detailed cleaning in 10 minutes?

    Can’t start to describe the crap I’ve seen around seats and in pockets.

  3. Luv it and it was PHL of course! Maybe we need to add a sign. . .”This is not a ride” or better ” you have to be 8 ft tall to ride this ride”. LOL

  4. I would be absolutely pissed if some moron did that staged “fall” nonsense while I was trying to get my luggage. This incessant need to create viral videos is some kind of mental illness.

  5. I’m now voting for staged. I would be so much funnier and realistic if a fat man did it. Notice the shut down sound and mode that someone had to invoke. He should be slapped just for that. Too bad it didn’t take place in Singapore!

  6. Are you so desperate for articles that you have to further support an obviously staged video?

  7. Anyone remember in the movie “Airplane” where the passengers rode around on the carousel and the bags were on the floor?

  8. While I suspect this one was staged it has happened to me–when I was 9 and wearing a fairly heavy backpack. This was on one of the old flat belts, no edge to grab. Getting up from laying on your back wearing a backpack is hard enough on a solid surface. (I got bumped fairly hard, it wasn’t just falling like this guy.)

  9. A new low … not even funny; the guy made no attempt at all to ‘fall’ on to the carousel. If it’s such a slow day, maybe you could find some cat videos that are actually cute and/or funny.

  10. I work on BHS systems, and if someone staged this, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. The motors that power those carousels are 3-phase 480V that generate enough torque to chew up someone’s arm like a meat grinder. All it would take is for one of those backpack straps or clump of hair to get caught in a pinch point and this dude would be having a really bad day.

    I have personally seen a technician get the skin flayed right off his hand by getting stuck in a pinch point. Thankfully, I have not witnessed any baggage system fatalities, but I know people who have. Horrible way to die. Be safe and don’t play around on these things.

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