Stranded at the Airport: A Flight Attendant’s Revenge on Cheating Partner

A flight attendant discovered her partner traveled from Miami to Phoenix to meet another woman. His only sent a few texts a day and he blocked her from seeing his Instagram stories. But he forgot to block her friends.

So she removed him from her flight benefits. He got to the airport in Phoenix to fly home, and discovered that he had no reservation back to Miami – and he couldn’t access his booking because his account access was gone.

Other cabin crew are supportive of the flight attendant, describing her as a nice person and agreeing that the guy deserved it. Although the crewmember is also getting heat for her choice of men in the first place – not only is he a cheater, but he’s someone who can’t afford to fly without using her benefits. So not everyone is surprised that this happened, with her relationship choices to begin with. Of course he might have had money to fly – but spent it on his affair.

Flight benefits are one of the key things that attract people to work for an airline. Flight attendants, though, often don’t make enough to take full advantage of their benefits – they still have to pay for lodging, activities and meals on the ground wherever they go.

And full flights make it difficult to fly standby as a nonrev – the best tickets are often industry discounts rather than flying for free. But a freeloading partner, with time of their hands, can travel whenever loads are light. And if they’ve got a girlfriend on the side, there may be no lodging costs! It’s the cad’s perfect arrangement.

Boeing-Boeing, the French play-turned-1965 film starring Tony Curtis and Jerry Lewis portrayed a cad who liked flight attendants so much he was dating… three of them. They were all out of the country at different times, but then the jet age meant faster planes, screwing up their schedules, and bringing them back to him all at the same time. There was no Instagram then, and he wasn’t nonreving. So the hijinks here were even better.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. People, and it seems more often women, get into these situations where they ignore common sense and then are surprised when they realized a guy has been seeing other people.

    There is a FA that posts on twitter that I read at times and she complains about finding out the guy was married but I’m sure she missed numerous signs. I once told someone that based on what she told me it was obvious he was either married or with someone else. A few months later I got an email saying “Yeah, you were right.”

    Any yeah, why wouldn’t she cancel any benefits for the ex?

  2. Your view of what we can afford and can’t afford is as laughable as it is way off the mark. Maybe instead of trying to make us all sound Welfare Queens, you should explain why and how you make a living always trying to get the best of everything for free. You sound more like a beggar than we do.

  3. Poor Doug,
    Never quit your day job. You will not survive anywhere else. And how typical to think getting “laid” is the answer to every insult or knock. What comes next, “it’s a joke, lighten up”. Yes Doug, you are a joke, a sad, little joke 🙂

  4. @kimberly
    my day job is quite lucrative and fun, so no, I am not quitting
    I was suggesting you get laid as you seemed very tensed Karen

  5. Going to meet another woman could have been visiting his mom or his daughter. I wish these posts had more information.

  6. Doug, try to get some class. Your comment to Kimberly is as moronic and juvenile and misogynistic and classless everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth. Instead of doubling down, an apology would be appropriate.

  7. Misogynist to the core, and you call me Karen? Lucrative or not, you’re still a sad little man Dougie. Maybe you and Chris need to get together and “bang”. Then you guys won’t be so tense..

  8. Unbelievably SEXIST comment : “He’s someone who can’t afford to fly…”

    Plenty of WOMEN sure as hell “can’t afford to fly”, yet they are never called out for this. When will this sexist crap ever stop ? (looking at you, females)

    Why do men have to propose first ?
    Why do men have to make the “first move” ?
    Why do men have to be the bigger “breadwinner” ?
    Why can’t men be financially supported by women ?
    Why are men always called out for cheating, but females rarely are ?
    Why do men have to pay for all their date’s drinks, dinners and vacations ?

    I am sick and GODDAMN TIRED of this ongoing DOUBLE STANDARD !!!
    When will it ever end ?

  9. And this is why a cabin crew member I worked with states in her dating profile that she doesn’t give travel benefits to anyone. Smart move and a good way to weed out losers

  10. Poor fellow. Stupid to have taken advantage of his playmate’s perks. Stupid also for not having guessed she’d do what she did. Some people aren’t realistic, don’t realize that only a diamond is forever. Some people can’t resist punishing those who hurt their feelings. Life isn’t easy. When you think it is, watch out.

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