The Unspoken Truth: What Your Shoes Say About You at 30,000 Feet [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I had a social psychology class back in the early 1980s. Social psychology is all about data. The professor would come in and always give us some tidbit from some research that was statistically proven. And one day he asked us who would get the better table in restaurant. The answer, of course was a man that had the nicest shoes.

    I’m lucky when I travel with my partner because she’s a shoe and boot snob and usually gets many compliments while we’re traveling

  2. Hmmm…… imagine being a DA for the duration of 5 years on the job declaring the New Balance shoes wearer likely hadn’t flown in 8 years. Funny math.

  3. How about you focus on your job and get me that drink instead of focusing on my shoes.

  4. Spot on by the FA! Although if I have a cross country flight, every so often I will don some crocs and none of my clothes have stains on them!!

  5. I was recently on a train with a Spanish-speaking family whose sneakers all seemed beat up like crazy even as the rest of the attire looked fashionable and in great shape. Found out Italy’s Golden Goose Deluxe Brand of sneakers were meant to look like that and they are much more expensive than what I pay for sneakers. That is what they were all wearing.

  6. How about a video what you can tell about a flight attendant by… Hate to say it, but older and large, female flight, attendants, skew, mean and nasty, thankfully nearly all of the burnt out flight attendants in their 60s, retired during Covid, allowing a new crop to take their place, usually younger flight attendants are nicer,, typically best flight attendance in terms of attitude tend to be young, gay men, older, white women, not so much

  7. Where do they find these videos? And I haven’t seen a domestic FA look like that in decades.

    What my clothes say about me is I’m a seasoned international flyer with probably 30+ hours of flights ahead of me and I plan to be comfortable.

    Now what I see when I look at a FA might be a video that needs to be made.

  8. Add me to those who she misclassified. For normal wear it’s always New Balance–because they fit part-Sasquatches like me, most brands do not. And I’m a programmer–wearing something like that in a business situation is acceptable. It’s going to get me instantly flagged for what I am–a guy who works with the machines, not a manager. That’s not a problem.

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