EXCLUSIVE: Catering Strike Off, No Disruption Next Week As Gate Gourmet Reaches Deal With Union

As bad as summer travel has been, between storms and the CrowdStrike outage which triggered an historic Delta Air Lines meltdown, air travel was slated to get bad again because major airline caterer Gate Gourmet was facing a worker strike starting this coming Tuesday.

American Airlines averted a flight attendants strike. The National Mediation Board wouldn’t release cabin crew to self-help, and they got a deal done. The NMB did release these airline catering workers to strike, and their ‘cooling off period’ expired on July 30th.

A strike was in the offing without a last-minute breakthrough in negotiations. That is exactly what happened.

According to a source close to the matter but not authorized to speak, a long-term deal was reached. The parties should be announcing it soon. I understand that the final issues involved health care, and that Gate Gourmet agreed to contribute to a union-run health care plan.

While Gate Gourmet – originally Swiss Air catering, and owned by Singapore’s state investment fund and Singaporean private equity, which acquired it from China’s HNA Group in 2019 – isn’t the only caterer, other companies wouldn’t be able to pick up across-the-board slack.

Airlines were preparing not to have meal service or even beverage service, to double cater out of stations where they stock their own supplies commissary-style, and to find ways to meet minimum regulated standards for long delays without assistance. All of this gets avoided.

Update: News is confirmed by Gate Gourmet now. According to Jens Kuhlen, president of gategroup North America,

For several years, gategourmet has been negotiating in good faith with our union in an effort to reach a labor agreement that recognizes our valued employees. We are grateful to our employees for their hard work to support the business, our customers and airline passengers. We look forward to a renewed partnership and long-term stability under this agreement.

Contract language still must be finalized before it’s sent out to workers for a ratification vote.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The sad thing is the new contract changed the minimum standard from “cr@ppy meals” to “possibly edible.”

  2. Wish airlines had catering provided by fast food restaurants. A burger or chicken nuggets along with a side of fries from McDonald’s would be great.

    Does anyone know why this isn’t the case.

  3. Great for the food industry. But I don’t eat airplane food (nor most restaurant food).

  4. To the above on why Mcdonald’s would be better food; First of all, Mcdonalds and all fast food, is not real food. It is highly processed with unknown ingredients, high salt, and high sugar which is extremely toxic for your health.

  5. I guess it’s good that a contract deal was made,but let’s hope that airline companies would get better meals being brought on board because most meals that they gotten for flights have been too bland

  6. @Mr. G
    Had that conversation with my wife last night. Told her I was going to bring food on our next long haul D1 and skip their meal. While she enjoys some of it I not a fan of the churched up food. Spinach and goat cheese frittata with roasted peppers? Why not stick to food people usually eat. Keep it simple.

  7. Smart not to strike, they would quickly realize their mediocre food was not missed.
    A replacement meal could easily be better.

  8. Gary,
    I was onboard a UA flight last night and the flight attendants announced that “due to a catering labor action, there will only a water service.” 2.5 hour flight.
    I KNEW they were full of shit.
    I was up front so I didn’t affect me but these flight attendants antics deserve to see them unemployed.

  9. I with others here. Hand me a bag with a McD cheeseburger and fries and there’s a 99% chance I’m happier with that over what I get in F.

  10. So that’s why my AA flight from MCO-LAX was delayed an hour because “catering has not shown up yet” (announced by the FA at pushback time)?

  11. I note that Gategourmet will contribute to a Union-run health plan. Good luck with that, given the inefficiency and corruption possibilities.

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