United’s Week Of Award Travel Discounts, Different Award Each Day [Destinations Leaked Early, Revealed Here]

United has been promoting ‘epic’ deals on award travel this week, with a different mystery destination each day – and sale prices available that day only.

It turns out that we don’t have to wait to know what’s coming, because each day’s deals are now known, decoded early, so I’ll give you a rundown.

  • Coach only
  • 10,000 miles savings each way (15,000 miles off each way for co-brand credit card customers, and cardholders and elites have access to more space as always)


Monday’s deal is public. That’s Australia from 40,000 miles each way.

Honestly that’s the price it should be if United hadn’t hacked away at redemption values. And it’s not much of a deal compared to paid tickets. Co-brand cardmembers are getting about a penny apiece for their miles on a roundtrip.

Discount is available for saver award travel August 5, 2024 through March 31, 2025 with December 19, 2024 – January 9, 2025 blacked out. That’s strange to me – if there’s saver award space, why black out the pricing?

Imagine paying United’s ‘regular price’ of 110,000 miles roundtrip for a saver award?

United is cutting back capacity to Australia. They have too many seats in the market they can’t sell. So pushing an award discount makes sense. I’m just not sure this is epic.

New Zealand

Tuesday’s deal is New Zealand. You can fly between the US and Auckland or Christchurch, New Zealand starting at 40,000 miles each way in coach.

Discount is available for saver award travel August 5, 2024 through March 31, 2025 with December 19, 2024 – January 9, 2025 blacked out.


Wednesday’s deal is Tahiti. United operates four days a week between San Francisco and Papeete, though most people want off of Tahiti proper as soon as possible – traveling by plane or boat to Moorea, or plane to Bora Bora or to other islands.

Discount is available for saver award travel August 5, 2024 through March 31, 2025 with December 19, 2024 – January 9, 2025 blacked out.

Conrad Bora Bora


Thursday’s deal is Taiwan, with 40,000 mile coach awards (45,000 for non-cardholders) available each way August 8 through December 12, 2024.

Do you notice a theme? These are all crossing the Pacific where United is seeing weakness at least in the back cabin.


Hong Kong

Friday’s deal is Hong Kong, with 40,000 mile coach awards (45,000 for non-cardholders) available each way August 8 through December 12, 2024.

Hong Kong just isn’t the strong destination that it used to be. It isn’t as important a city as a finance center, with the Special Administration Region turning inward towards mainland China and a focus on being part of the Greater Bay Area. Freedoms promised to last there for 50 years after the British handover only made it half that long.

Five years ago when Hong Kongers could still protest they turned out to the airport and broke out in song. “Do You hear the people sing,” by the way, is banned in China.

If You Might Want To Travel…

These meals mean fewer miles for an award than you’d otherwise pay. United no longer imposes award cancel and redeposit fees, so you can make a speculative booking. Though Chase and Bilt points transfer to United, I’d be hard pressed to argue it makes sense to transfer points to United to take advantage of these – unless perhaps you were topping off an account with just a few thousand miles.

More exciting would be United rolling back to its ‘regular pricing’ for business class redemptions, but we have to take what we can get from MileagePlus.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Might not be the worst idea in the world to put in some speculative bookings and monitor for a cheap cabin upgrade offer.

  2. Nothing here interests me particularly. If I’m flying to Australia I’m going lie flat or premium economy. If I’m flying to Taiwan, I’m flying EVA. If I’m flying to New Zealand I’m flying Air New Zealand. And I have no interest in flying to Hong Kong because Hong Kong stopped being Hong Kong a long time ago.

    Now, if United decided to open up saver discounts on the Circle Mike route or the Philippines I’d be all over that…

  3. Thanks for the early info so I don’t have to monitor each day of the “sale.” Last year (?) they had some better deals at 15K one way to Europe; took advantage of that. But nothing like that now…..

  4. It says there are 22 hours left to book the NZ deal. But I couldn’t find anything for any day for the entire year at 40-45k PDX-CHC each way. Poor showing for United here. If they wanted to say this was only departing certain cities, they should qualify it. I found for less than 40k leaving LAX.

  5. The seats finally showed up for the proper discount. Must be a time zone thing. Looked at 11pm Pacific and it said there were 22 hours left to book, but no discounts. Checked 8 hours later and seats were available. Thanks Gary. The deal isn’t epic as United puts it, but better than a poke in the eye 🙂

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