Register To Earn 2,500 Bonus Points Every Stay Through End Of Year With Hilton

Hilton Honors is back it’s new promotion through end of year and it’s 2,500 points per stay , September – December 31, 2024. (Registration required.) They ran double points May 2 – September 2, 2024 and that’s better than 2,500 points for most – which is like double points, but capped on the first $250 in spend.

It’s a simple, straightforward offer.

  • No limit to the number of bonus points earned
  • Earning starts with the first stay
  • No minimum stay required

Award stays are eligible. The bonus points are cautioned as taking up to 6 to 8 weeks to post to your account though in practice they do not take this long.

Double points has roughly speaking been the Hilton default for several years, which makes sense since base earn in the Hilton program is lowest among competitors and they need generous promotions to come up to par. Since they usually offer double points, that’s simply how they’ve built the program – consider part of their earn proposition to be the promotion, for those who register.

2,500 points per stay is better than not 2,500 bonus points but I view that as a weaker offer heading into a weaker travel period.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The link takes you to registration for the May 2-Sept 2 offer, don’t see anything about Sept 2-Dec 31

  2. link is: You’re on your way to Double Points
    All set! You’ve already registered for the Double Points Promotion, which means you’ll earn 2X Points on all stays from May 2–September 2, 2024.

  3. ….since base earn in the Hilton program is lowest among competitors…

    That claim is demonstrably false, and anyone who knows the first thing about the miles/points game knows that it is false. In fact, using a very simply graph, I privately showed the self-anointed “thought leader” why his constantly recycled claim was wrong. Therefore, that he keeps repeating it means one of two things or both: he is intellectually dishonest, he does not know kindergarten-level math, or both.

    In the meantime, members of World of Hyatt, purportedly the ‘best’ hotel program that he patronizes, are having to waste their hard earned transferable points — Chase UR points — on hotel award stays instead of using them on premium-cabin airline award tickets because the ‘best’ hotel program (a) offers its members almost no promos, (b) has the most expensive points-purchase offers with the lowest number of bonus points (20%), and (c) does not offer members the 4th or 5th award night free — the single most valuable perk in hotel loyalty. With his “best” program clearly lacking, no wonder he has to gaslight his readers every time the most generous program launches another global promo.


  4. @Gene- oh, don’t bother arguing with stupidity. They enjoy it too much and they’re going to beat you at the stupidity game- they have way more practice and are far more experienced at it!

  5. @Gene — I mentioned Hyatt in a context that is clear. What is your point?
    @DC — You wouldn’t know “stupidity” if it hit you in the face because you and it are one.

  6. Yep, I’m getting the same as everyone else. I don’t see anything resembling the deal Gary described.

    Gary, can you update the post with the correct link or clarification note.


  7. @Thing 1et al. — Are you serious? How about just going to other blogs — any other — to get the correct info on the promo because they are not as focused on gaslighting their readers…

  8. @ DCS — Yes, Gary spends his days gaslighting us all to follow broken links. Does your health insurance come with mental health benefits?

  9. See what I mean Gene? Some people are always ready to prove me right. Just stop interacting. Ignore the fools just like you would any whining ignorant child.

    “Infinitus est numerus stultorum”

  10. LOL — “Some people are always ready to prove me right”…so claims every delusional moron.

    @Gene — psychobabble, really?

  11. Did someone really just essentially say “I know you are but what am I?”…

    Seriously, kid, get off your parents’ computer.

    Or if you really want to play, I’ll raise you an “I’m rubber, you’re glue …”

  12. @Gene, @DC: Enough! This is quite simple really. Prove that “base earn in the Hilton program is lowest among competitors” and you might have a point, otherwise spare us the fact-free drivel.

    See? Clueless. I am done here.

  13. @ Gary — Please point @DCS to your fact-filled posts on the subject so that he will stop whining.

  14. Come on this is a broken link. Gets your into the old promotion. I sincerely hope this promotion will be starting only next year when I’ll be in Malaysia and can really capitalize on this one….

  15. @ Gary — Please point @DCS to your fact-filled posts on the subject so that he will stop whining.

    You mean the post that was widely panned as “amateurish meandering” in which so-called hotel “base earn rates” depend on his own biased values of points that are among the worst of any travel blog, and exclude bonus points from each program’s co-branded CC, which is not only self-serving but also utterly mindless?

    Like I said, you are clueless.

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