American Airlines Elite Status Kit Gets Another Downgrade: Here’s What’s Missing Now

I received my American Airlines AAdvantage Executive Platinum status renewal membership kit and noticed several things about it.

  • There’s no longer a membership card enclosed. The membership card used to indicate million miler status (X million miles), and so there’s no longer any indication of this. They eliminated thee last year.
  • Just one luggage tag, not two. Another downgrade last year.
  • The welcome letter is now unsigned (new)

In addition to the luggage tag there were also six employee recognition certificates to hand out for outstanding service.

Each coupon is a raffle entry. They used to be called “Round of Applause” certificates, often referred to by frequent flyers as “AAplause” certificates. Each month American would draw winners of prizes of AAdvantage frequent flyer miles (and before that the You’re SomeOne Special or “SOS” program gave positive space travel). They moved to the US Airways system of quarterly drawings for cash, and handing out entries was still a nice way to say thank you to employees who provide ‘above and beyond’ service.

In 2020 American Airlines stopped sending out physical elite membership cards and luggage tags to members promoting their “fully digital experience.” It was a cost-cutting move, taking something of emotional value away from top customers.

Then a year later physical membership kits were restored for Platinum Pro and Executive Platinum elite members.

  • Platinum Pro members received a membership card and six employee recognition certificates.
  • Executive Platinum members also received two luggage tags.

The membership card was dropped again, and luggage tags reduced by half. The kits always came bearing the signature of the executive responsible for the program – whether it was Rob Friedman; Maya Leibman; Suzanne Rubin; Bridget Blaise-Shamai; Julie Rath or Vasu Raja. With Vasu Raja’s firing they pulled his signature off the kits, but they haven’t replaced it with anybody else’s.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Not really that big a deal. Clearly Raja hasn’t been replaced yet so they are a bit rudderless. Not sure in this digital age that plastic membership cards offer the value that they once did?
    I do like the AA recognition certificates and I hope they continue in one form or another.

  2. @ Gary — They shouldnt even bother with these things anymore. Definitely a good place to save some money.

  3. It’s still better than what I got as a DL Platinum. No physical membership card and one luggage tag that doesn’t even have my name on it, so I don’t see the point of it. Went straight in the trash.

  4. I’d say that the analogy between the worsening loyalty welcome kits and the ongoing worsening of AAdvantage is pretty apt. Have you tried to use an upgrade certificate for a paid trip to Europe lately or had your free domestic upgrade wiped by someone paying $100 to move up from coach? AAdvantage is a shadow of what it was, the program that inspired fervent loyalty that made people make irrational decisions in order to fly American.

  5. From an actual business perspective, all you need to send is a letter and something of “value” —

    So just send a really nice letter, on really nice heavy paper, in a nice woven envelope, and include a code for X% or Y$ off something, somewhere. I don’t know.

    That would be a really nice touch.

  6. I don’t care what others say or think: THESE ARE IMPORTANT TO ME. I’ve only been an AA loyalist for the last 7-8 years or so and I always give that extra push to get to the next level because of the luggage tags, employee certs, and nice letter. They need to replace this with SOMETHING physical. It’s ridiculous and I’m upset.

  7. I have a supply of luggage tags so not a loss. I went to a fair amount of trouble to locate the electronic membership card, which I needed in London to board a BA flight I had booked on BA. It worked well once i found it. The bigger issue is no Admirals Club membership card, which you need (physically) to use the Alaska Lounges. If anyone knows where to find an electronic Admirals Club card let me know.

  8. I’d actually like the luggage tags if they let me personalize them with contact info and not just my name.

  9. EP for several years running. I haven’t seen anything at all from them in years! (Yes, my home address is correct.)

  10. I’m not sure what the card really does anymore than maybe something to show off. As far as luggage tags (I rarely check bags anyway) nothing says “open my bags dishonest baggage handlers” than having an EXP tag on your bag. EXP status isn’t what it used to be and likely will never be again.

  11. I’ve been EP for a number of years. Used to be able to give out the employee appreciation certificates and even requested more one year a while ago. Now they expire in my travel bag, I can’t remember the last time an AA employee went out of their way to help me. The bare minimum is now what I normally encounter….

  12. Diminishing value seems to be the objective at AA. They are still trying to convince people that they are a full service carrier while monetizing every aspect of the business.

    While the ULCC are upping their game, AA is keeps cheapening the experience while hoping no one notices. Loyalty is a 2 way street with many exits.

  13. Used to be as gold you even got the employee certificates to give out. I’ve been “regular” platinum for the last several years and have not gotten anything. I really could have used a platinum status card while flying Qantas in Australia. They allow one world sapphire access to their lounges (regardless of flight destination or class if service). Just show your card. Had an instance where the app wouldn’t load so couldn’t show my status. And I have had some great flight attendant recently that I would have loved to give over to. I’ve been really lucky with upgrades the last 2 years, but I also often fly at less popular times on less popular travel days.

  14. XD – you are a profit center…once it became possible to CC ones way into status, the barbarians were inside the perimeter. Nothing lasts forever, greed ruins everything.

  15. 20+ years ago, Starwood sent out real gifts for Platinums with your membership kit. I remember getting a fairly nice metallic analog clock about the size of a large men’s watch. That sat on my bathroom counter in different houses around the world for decades.

  16. Hey Gary,

    AA late to the party as usual. UA stopped handing it cards a few years ago. The old one still works to get into lounges in U.S. And partners abroad. LH recently told me they are now using digital cards.

    I realize Some people need to show how miles they’ve earned. But who cares.

  17. I’m a first time EP. Just left London on flight AA 57 destination Miami (replying from a purchased wifi pkg) and I’m currently sitting in economy while there are 5 Premium seat available. Why was I not offered an upgrade?? Why have this EP status when the counter staff cannot make a decision of an upgrade with seats available?
    Yes…I did get into Qantas lounge and would have been able to get into a few other lounges at Heathrow…but I’m an Amex Platinum holder and have access to their lounge and few others.
    So far being an Executive Platinum holder is not very special and very disappointing and not worth putting all my charges to obtain this status versus putting it towards Amex or another card! 17/09/24

  18. Luggage tags just go in the trash. Pointless waste.

    the lack of membership cards is a real downsides – there are places internationally that still ask for the card for things like lounge access or premium check-in lines. Fumbling around for a electronic card is not an improvement.

  19. ‘Dear valued customer/x Thank you for being an idiot and spending a couple of million dollars with us
    Come again!’
    Gosh how do I hate them

  20. I received my American Airlines AAdvantage Executive Platinum status renewal membership kit

    You mean there exist to this day programs that are so anachronistic they still send out membership kits?!

  21. Thank you for the info that the certificates go into a raffle. I have had many positive employee experiences and usually just write an email. I will be sure to travel with the certificates now.

  22. American Airlines — the last thing they wish to do is get personal with their customers. You are a credit card and ticket number to them – and that is it. The signature cost them nothing – if anything it can be signed by numerous different heads … or a mosaic of employee signatures. This company is more grey than it ever thought possible. Blah and boring.

  23. @Gary, I sure hope you can emotionally handle fewer bag tags. What did you do, toss the old ones? How many bags to you carry?

    AA has a digital card in the app. Find a safe space, rock back and forth, and console yourself that you got any bag tags.

  24. AA has a lot of problems. But whoever thinks AAdvantage is bad or low value should switch to Delta asap!

  25. My goal in life is to avoid achieving any level of status with any airline. So far, goal achieved!

  26. I think this is but a reflection of the overall devaluation (or, to put it bluntly, cheapening) of the AAdvantage program.

    I have for years stopped using credit card spending to collect airline miles. Instead, my credit card spending goes towards collecting Chase UR points and direct cash rebates.

    BTW, nothing will come out of the US government’s ongoing investigation of frequent flyer programs. Even if the politicians and bureaucrats genuinely wanted to do something to correct this unfair, deceptive bait and switch practice of the airlines, I am not sure there is much they can do.

  27. Maybe they found that some of the luggage tags end up in the trash, contributing to plastic waste. I have a drawer full of them, along with old cruise cards, and various store loyalty cards. What they need is a real permanent luggage tag (RFID or similar) that is associated with all of your flights so that you could just drop off your bags and go. A built-in AirTag would make it even better. That would be a nice loyalty perk. If that’s not “in the cards,” another option is to just send an email with a choice of loyalty perks, such as: luggage tags, 500 bonus miles, a donation to charity, a free club visit, upgrade, etc.

  28. Gary, how do you earn and retain the highest status by taking so much award travel? Must be something else rarely written about on this blog.

  29. They should send out AA model airplanes. Something you can display in your office. I still have my Air Canada 777 that AC gave out to everyone who attended the Star Mega Do 3 in 2013.

  30. Gary, my favorite perk is being able to check in three bags. I recently had to do a lot of traveling, several times, to assist a relative. I learned that people from other parts of the country appreciate fresh New York City pastries, so I pack them carefully inside a separate suitcase and check them in. I hope the free third bag isn’t the next perk to go. A small suitcase of pastries from your local bakeries can make life easier when you travel. Exasperated hospital staff, airline staff, hotel staff, were all appreciative. I recommend this if you know you’re going to see people under difficult, stressful circumstances. American Airlines — Please let us keep the free third bag.

  31. Gary, I got my Executive Platinum notice a few months ago. The letter is signed by Vasu Raja, Chief Commercial Officer, American Airlines. Just as you said.

    Thanks for the employee recognition coupon explanation. I had no idea they were raffle tickets for money. I won’t throw the tickets away anymore. I am glad the flight attendants got a decent contract because they work hard. I hope I can get some of them to win a prize by using the recognition coupons.

  32. Although I’m based in Dallas I’m now a free agent. I buy F based on price, and no longer worry about nonexistent upgrades or horribly devalued points for the rare free seat. About to cancel my Citi Executive Aadvantage card and flip all my travel spend to Capital One Venture X. There is no compelling reason to continue as AA ExPlat.

  33. I’ve been EP for a decade now. Finally switching to Delta at the beginning of their new qual year. Looking forward to the moment I trash my EP luggage tags. Shame on AA for treating their elites like garbage…

  34. Discusting adding PLT PRO. Which i effect downgraded lifetime PLT from 2ed to 3rd on UPG list. Lifetime PLT should have been made PLT pro, in order to keep their place in line.. Or at least LIFETIME PLT with 3MM miles should have been moved up
    Big negative PR issue for those who were loyal for 30 years. When most of their miles were earned the old fashion way aka seats on plane. No doubt the team at AA does not respect who made them great in the past

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