Flights Diverted Yesterday To Avoid Iranian Missiles After They Failed To Close Its Airspace Before Launching Attack

Iran fired around 200 ballistic missiles at Israel on Tuesday. However, they failed to close their airspace prior to the launch. With no NOTAM issued, their skies were full of commercial airliners, with several observing the launches. On this one from Dubai the missiles were filmed coming from an IRGC base in South Shiraz.

Here’s the inside of a cabin as a flight diverts to avoid missiles.

A Palestinian man in the West Bank was killed by Iran’s attack. It’s only four years since since the country shot down a civilian airliner. They did issue a NOTAM in advance of their attack in April. Iran has closed its airspace until Thursday morning, in anticipation of an Israeli counterattack.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Since everyone knew the attack was coming, the issuance of a NOTAM would *not* have “given away” any type of military secret…especially since Iran issued one in April. It doesn’t matter if the odds of a ballistic missile rising up from the ground striking a commercial airlines are small…it’s an unwarranted and easily avoidable risk. That Iran chose not to protect innocent civilians — including many of its own citizens — demonstrates a callous disregard for human life, regardless of the type of passport they carry or the God they pray to.

  2. There is a reason the US does not allow its own airlines to fly over Iran or Afghanistan and this is why.
    When you deal with governments that don’t consider and protect others in the world, the chances of an accidental shootdown of a commercial airliner are high.

    And multiple news networks were saying that an Iranian attack was imminent so airlines should have detoured even before the missiles started flying

  3. On a Singapore Airlines flight last February from JFK-SIN we flew directly over Baghdad. While an interesting route I did think about the possibility of getting shot down.

  4. Looks like Gary is deleting any comments critical of Israel. Well, Mr Leff, how many people did Iran kill with their missile strikes? How many school and shelters did they target? Now go count how many Israel did JUST YESTERDAY.

    Iran rightfully and defensively targeted the airfields that were used to attack them, as is their right under international law.

  5. Lord Timothy, hopefully after Israel gets done with Iran, there will be no vehicles left in that wasteland. Maybe there will be a camel lot sitting on the site where a nuclear facility was previous. Hopefully with a grave marker for the Ayatollah.

  6. Hasan, Mr. Leff is not censoring people who support Hamas, Hezzbollah, or other terrorists. Fortunately he is not allowing idiots to post on HIS site.

  7. One other thing Hassan. Israel has NOT attacked Iran since April, which was in retaliation of an Iranian attack. Once again, scum like yourself twists the facts for their own agenda.

  8. Yeah, I was pilloried on flytertalk for daring to question the wisdom of taking flights through Iranian and Russian airspace.

    Who looks stupid now?

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