“Safe Travels To Palestine”: Ex-TSA Screener Brags She Lied About Jewish Passenger, Sent Him To Extra Screening, He Missed His Flight

A former TSA screener took to TikTok with some rich security screening fanfic. An Algerian, the ex-screener from Ohio shared some Intifadaporn where she says she told an Israeli passenger, “Safe travels to Palestine.”

He responded “It’s Israel,” and that’s when she says she called over a manager and claimed he was harassing her (which she admits wasn’t true). He got a secondary screening and missed his flight. It was her own personal jihad.

@roufaida1500 #officiallyfatima ♬ الصوت الأصلي – ❤️‍,َقرعاجية

Here’s the thing. She may not be making it up, but the story isn’t recent. Dan’s Deals gets confirmation from TSA that she “has not been employed by [the agency] for 14 years.” So she can no longer harass Jews under color of law.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Hope the cretin and the supervisor were fired and did not get any monetary compensation.

  2. hal – the report says the screener was from Ohio, it doesn’t say that’s where the flight originated.

  3. TSA agents have always been low class federal employees that love power trips. Theres very little security involved with the TSA. Its mostly a jobs program and a place for low class people to harass air travellers who are usually from wealthier backgrounds. Democrats love TSA becauce the poor get revenge and Republicans love TSA because it is a step towards a police state.

  4. There should still be due process.

    Whether it’s defamation or antisemitism, if it’s real, and I believe people when they say it is, then collect evidence and sue or submit complaints with the Civil Rights Division at the US Department of Justice. Organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are helpful, too. I’m sure the folks affected know this already, but for anyone that experiences something like this, there are good resources and talented people who care very much out there.

    I say, allow the organizations, lawyers, courts, and judges to do their jobs, too. Find out the facts, verify them, apply them to the law. If this was what is alleged, it’s probably gonna cost some folks their jobs and there will be fines, etc. all in the name of deterrence, so that folks know not to act this way. Hate speech, threats of violence, etc. are indeed real harms.

    Anyway, that’s how it’s supposed to work under the ‘rule of law’–like, we’re not supposed to resort to vigilantism, either. Please, no more extrajudicial ‘punishments’. There are better ways.

  5. Where’s the comment this wouldn’t happen if the traveler arrived 4 hours before the flight?

  6. The Tr*mp-Vance-Musk regime and DHS Barbie have been shutting down the part of DHS meant to check on civil rights and civil liberties infringements by TSA. So expect more racist profiling, haraSSSSment-type screening and groping of the genitals of “attractive” passengers at airports during this second term of a POTUS who said he just grabs women by the private parts.

  7. we elected the ones that appointed the ones that spent out tax monies to import these problems…

  8. Some TSA people are good and too many are bad. This looks like one of the bad ones and I do not have enough information to say that this was a made up story. Hopefully more information will come out.

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