Airbnb’s Latest Cash Grab: Sneaky New 2% Fee on International Bookings—Here’s How to Beat It! [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. When I was a kid in the 80s Chex cereal had a deal where box tops got you a ticket on Republic. My mom had a side gig selling homemade Chex mix (cereal, nuts, pretzels, all mixed up and seasoned and baked – where I lived it was known fondly as Trash). She started saving box tops and we ended up with tickets for a family trip to Disney World.

  2. Wow! It looks like Airbnb is a bit jealous of the reputation earned by Hertz. Are they looking to take top honors in the worst travel company in the world away from Hertz?

  3. Here os a surefire way to beat this 2% fee from AirBnB……just don’t book with them.

  4. You can buy a cheap thermostat from Amazon. Take it with you on vacation.
    If the thermostat Demons want to get cute, remove and replace for the duration of your stay.

  5. You truly have to be a glutton for punishment to have any involvement with AirBnB. What’s the attraction?

  6. I’ve seen hotels do this. Fortunately they are easy to override. Started in a Prince Hotel in Tokyo on New Year’s Eve last year. Thermostat wouldn’t do anything and it was over 80 degrees. Asked the front and they said they took over the heating from a central location Nov-Mar and there was nothing they could do about it. Fortunately was moving the next day to a larger western hotel.

  7. The air condition game hotels are playing is getting out of control. Sometimes they are perhaps doing it due to government demands supposedly related to energy or environmental concerns, but most times this is all about cost-savings for the hotel owners/operators who happily get on board green-washing to try to reduce customer expectations and short-circuit customer concerns/complaints.

  8. I suppose this is on top of a credit cards foreign transaction fee. So aoirbnb takes 14-23% of a transaction. Expedia and booking.c0n take up to 35%.
    Please book your vacation rental hotel directly through a management agency or visitor center website to keep the money from these extractive platforms.

  9. If you want to go real hardcore you could bring your own thermostat and just swap it out for the ring/nest, etc. ones and then swap it back. Not that hard on most of them.

  10. The whole Airbnb model seems so dangerous for both sides. I’ve never used it, as you hear so many stories of d!ckead landlords. I’d never list a property, as you hear of even worse renters, including the squatters.

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