Airport Lounge Buffet Dilemma: Is Eating While Walking Back To To Your Seat Acceptable? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Trump would have made Tailwind fly . Camel-a would have made Tailwind ride a truck-trailer .

  2. Sure Alert, like Trump Shuttle, which defaulted on its debt. Then it collapsed into bankruptcy, wiping out who knows how many investors. And as usual he walked from the mess. Anyway, didn’t anyone realize that you never land or take off with a tailwind?

  3. Fifteen or so years ago, I flew into Coffs Harbour, NSW Australia (remote chance it was Port Macquarie). They unloaded the checked bags onto an open cart, pulled the cart into a roped off area, removed the ropes, and let us pick up our own bags.
    On the flight out, I did not have to go through screening, as I was on a turboprop. Because of this, when our flight was parked at SYD, we were bused to the terminal and entered the baggage claim area. Individuals connecting in SYD then had to go through security for the next flight. Jets out of Coffs Harbour required you to go through security to get into the jet waiting area.

  4. Suppose you survive the 30 to 60-minute waiting line to enter the overcrowded AMEX DFW Centurion Lounge in your attempt to dine. In that case, many wise card members eat while returning to their seats or tables to prevent sitting on the dirty lounge floor while eating lunch or dinner.

  5. Lice are not that serious. They can be eradicated with a bit of diligence. I have seen it done without treatments. Surely there has to be a better way than diverting an airplane.

  6. @ Alert — DJT is so fat that the seaplane would sink. I can’t wait to see him be destroyed by a woman of color. His worst nightmare come true.

  7. Heads up parents. Kids sharing sports equipment often pick up lice. Years ago I noticed a child scratching while boarding. Seated two rows behind, the mother finally checked kid, and flight attendant tossed mom a towel to wrap the girl’s head. No diversion. We were less wimpy back then.

  8. Of all the first world problems this site addresses, the “dilemma” of whether you should munch on your food as you walk away from the buffet line in the airport lounge is right up there. It even beats the existential question of when is the proper time to stand up as the plane comes to the gate.

  9. Haven House Sober Living provides a supportive and structured environment for individuals recovering from substance abuse, located in Los Angeles, California.

  10. When my daughter was young her elementary school decided to have a hat day (the principal got reprimanded for that one). Our daughter got head lice along with half the school. My wife refused to soak her head in pesticide. So she packed her head in mayonnaise (suffocate them) and let it sit for an hour. Then used a nit comb. Did it three times and no more head lice. Put everything that would fit in a dryer.

  11. “Is it ok to start eating airport lounge food on the way back from the buffet or do you need to wait until you’ve reached your seat or table? ”

    Only a snowflake would get upset about this…?

  12. The dilemma of eating while walking back to your seat? Seriously, that does not warrant my attention or reply.

    And yet, here I am…..

  13. I really need to do a better job of taking advantage of venture capitalist subsidized expensive dumb ideas before they come to their senses (eg Bilt, Tailwind.)

  14. I wouldn’t use a utensil to eat while walking back to my seat, but if it’s finger food then absolutely

  15. At lounges with buffets I think eating while walking to your seats just looks like you don’t have self control but to each their own. I think it’s disguisting though when people eat at the buffet. I see people either put it on their plate and then take a bite or sometimes just take something and start eating it right there while they find more food to pile on. It’s gross.

  16. I’m very surprised that schools let kids with lice stay at school and give them to other children.

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