Flight attendants sometimes engage in hijinks when there aren’t any passengers around. Sometimes that gets them in trouble, like when an airline decides that viral videos of crew inside of overhead bins shouldn’t circulate or when the photos are too provocative.
And other times the stunts they pull become instant sensations because of the skill and daring they display, like this Virgin Australia crewmember whose gymnastics and yoga gets put to use closing overhead bins. Upside down. With her feet. While maintaining perfect style and grace – and her uniform.
One commenter adds, “Perks for first class are just weird.”
To be sure this flight attendant isn’t the first one to close overhead bins with her feet. It’s just that this is not usually done with such aplomb. For instance,
I actually can’t wait to fly Virgin Australia in a few weeks!
(HT: Paul H)
Everyone needs their be 15 minutes
That’s Yoga?
She certainly isn’t modest!
Shutting the overhead aircraft luggage bins with your feet is a skill that will help many flight attendants smash through the glass ceiling into many airline management C-suites. However, to help speed up the boarding process, I am waiting to see how many passengers will also have the fine motor skills to emulate this extraordinary talent for the world to notice in their future YouTube videos.
Downward prepare-cabin-for-departure pose.
Gymnastics. She got a 9.45 with an 8 from the Russian judge.
Disgusting – I don’t want those shoes where my hands might go to open the bins.
If you spend any time on TikTok or Instagram, you can find probably a dozen videos like this. I have seen several from US based airlines and overseas. Here is a Google generated search with examples: https://www.google.com/search?q=flight+attendant+closing+luggage+bins+legs&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS921US921&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK4Kuqivb3AhWEpXIEHVfzABIQ_AUoBHoECAEQBg&biw=1680&bih=850&dpr=1
How low can we go? I would fire all of these POS. They have no respect for themselves, the job or the property.
reminds me of samsung….
god bless her….
I would want her on my flight that had an emergency. She would certainly save some lives.
What do you call a flight attendant with a runny nose?
@ CHRIS: What do you call a flight attendant with a runny nose?
I am not sure, so pick one from the list below.
Flight Attendant Supervisor.
Base Manager.
Inflight Manager (or Inflight Vice President)
I’m sure she’s done that many times before in the cockpit
That was just stupid, and I totally agree with “Not Lucky” in not wanting the bottoms of shoes where my hands will be. She probably just came out of a bathroom to put her cycling shorts on, too, so kudos for getting THAT all over the overhead doors.
NO words. lol
Silly. I think we all need to remember that just because we CAN do something, doesn’t mean we should. lol. And people are doing unbelievable things (this is just silly) for views and likes on their YouTube channels. Even these miles websites use exaggerated headlines to get you to open their emails or read their posts.