American Airlines AAdvantage Fixes Frustration, Makes Your Miles Easier To Track And Search

The American AAdvantage account activity page has been redesigned. Tiles are gone, and there’s a proper transactions list now and those transactions are sortable, searchable, and filterable.

  • Sort by activity or post date, by most redeemable miles or loyalty points
  • filter by date (e.g. current or previous qualifying year) or a range of dates within those
  • filter by category (e.g. card spend; cars and hotels; cruises and vacation packages; events and experiences; flights; shopping and dining; and ‘other’).
  • You can even search transactions.

You can click on more detail for each transaction item. For flights that includes ticket number, confirmation number, flight number, and booking class as well as earning method (for a paid American Airlines ticket that’s usually revenue) and it breaks down mileage-earn between base and bonus miles and by type of bonus (class of service bonus, status bonus, or promotion).

Especially since the table doesn’t cleanly just copy and paste into excel while retaining correct rows and columns, I’d love to see an export feature. Let me drop this, for instance, into a .csv file.

Tiles are still used for upcoming flight reservations. But while tiles are something of a modern look, they weren’t very functional for understanding or even finding transactions. This is better. You’re getting more details and are able to see more transactions in a logical format.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. It looks a lot like the new BA transaction page, I wonder if they’re aligning IT systems more closely in the back end?

  2. The million miler balance is now missing from the account activity page. Anyone know where to find it?

  3. Change isn’t always good, but this is marginally better.

    Also, getta loada this ‘globetrotter’ ova ‘ere: AUS-DCA/CLT/DTW/PHX/SAN. Niiice. Go Gary!

  4. @DCAFlyer I can’t find it in the AA mobile app but on the AA website, it shows for me just underneath my name and AAdvantage number. Would also like to see it in the mobile app too since I’m close to hitting 1M

  5. Unfortunately for mileage redemption it still lists the travel/departure date as the redemption date. I think this was an issue for the old format, too.

  6. Would seem a good time to follow Sotuhwests lead and get rid of expitation dates for miles and travel funds.

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