American Airlines Resumes In-Flight Credit Card Announcements After Fatal Military Helicopter Collision with Regional Jet [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • American Airlines resumes inflight credit card announcements. This was paused after the tragedy of flight 5342.

    During Covid, service was limited and flight attendants weren’t supposed to make contact with customers, except to hand them credit card applications.

  • The government rail corporation imposes return to office mandate, dropping DEI spending

  • So many lives touched by those lost.

  • I laughed a little too hard at this.

  • Within minutes of departure from Toncontín International Airport in Tegucigalpa, a passenger on an ATR 72 flight headed to Roatán pulled a gun and threatening everyone on board. Flight attendants quickly overpowered the gunman. The flight was diverted back to its origin, and police boarded the aircraft to arrested man

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. On AA, still tragic, but it’s fine, why not, go ahead, pitch the darn credit cards.

    On Amtrak, if you’re on the train, at the station, or performing maintenance, yeah, you’d better be in-person, but there are supporting roles that can be done from ‘anywhere,’ and don’t need to be in an office with someone hovering over these folks, micro-managing them, keeping corporate landlords happy and fat. Like, many ‘customer service’ calls are not even going to ‘call centers’ as much these days–it’s people in their homes, using their phones and the internet, like the rest of us. That model is actually more ‘efficient’ than forcing them to commute to a silly cubicle.

    On chemtrails, maybe we wrong the whole time–it’s real! Bah! Needed a good laugh.

  2. Wow, AA continuing to push Barclays cards seems bizarre, given their new $ 10 Billion Citi Deal ammounced just two months ago. As you had mentioned then, “Citi [becomes] the sole issuer of American Airlines credit cards in the U.S. starting in 2026”, and “Since Barclays cardmembers will be transitioned to Citi products, Barclays cardmembers will want to consider cancelling Barclays cards before being transitioned, since there’s a risk that holding one of these cards will preclude a bonus on a Citi product in the future”. For sure it’s a cheap way to acquire 60,000 miles (just $ 99), although the churn of adding and then dropping it in 6 months could nick your Credit Rating.

  3. @LadyOlives — America? Psh. The world. In 2025 at least. Or, maybe it always has been?

    China’s practically ‘communist’ in name-only. Authoritarian, absolutely. But if you’ve been to the mainland, you’d know that they are as ‘late-stage capitalist’ as anywhere else.

    Even the ‘socialist’ Scandinavian countries, like Norway, can only provide for citizens because they have oil-back sovereign wealth funds.

    We are very much living in the era of ‘greed is good.’ Wealth inequality is staggering and only bound to get worse. I doubt any of us commenting here are centi-millionaires, so we are all relative-peasants in this spectrum. Yet, some, even here, still ‘bootlick’ for the oligarchs–pitiful.

  4. Ambiguous, @1990, I just read their T&C’s. They do say : “Your AAdvantage miles may be forfeited if any of the following occur: …You or we close your Account for any reason…” On the other hand, they don’t state a time period in which the account must stay open in order to not forfeit the bonus miles.

  5. @TexasTJ — Well then, if so, that’s nice. I suppose one could get greedy and demand a prorated refund of the annual fee, too. Then again, they say ‘pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.’ Though, I’ve always though we eat ’em all in the end!

  6. @texasTJ. They still have a contract with Barclays last i checked until it expires. AA has an obligation to carry out their requirements within the contract and that would include advertising them onboard.

  7. It seems Honduran security needs to get better.

    Jet engines ingesting loose snow is not surprising. They also ingest water as rain, even heavy rain, at times.

  8. @jns “It seems Honduran security needs to get better.” I wonder if that’s the case. In Australia and NZ, you can board a propeller-driven commercial aircraft with no search of carryons or metal detectors at some airports.

  9. @Dave W. — And you know what they say: ‘Qantas never crashed.’ (Rain Man) so clearly something is working well, down under. Safe travels!

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