American Airlines Saves Life of American Idol Contestant’s Mother In High Stakes Mid-Flight Diversion: ‘My Mom Shouldn’t Be Here’

Frequent flyers know the announcement. There’s a medical emergency on board, if anyone with medical training is available to assist please ring your flight attendant call button? And all you’re thinking is “please don’t divert, please don’t divert.”

You’re trying to get somewhere. You don’t want a direct flight to wind up taking a detour, and adding hours to your journey. You will probably miss your dinner or your meeting, and you’ll be stuck in that seat for extra hours.

It’s easy to focus on yourself in that moment. But someone’s life may be at stake. The diversion is probably going to be a lot more costly to the airline – fuel, staff time, missed connections not just for the people on your flight, but the ones on the next flight for that aircraft. Crew on your flight, and ones working later flights on that aircraft, may run out of duty hours leading to even more cancellations.

In that moment, though, it’s all about the person whose life is at stake. Because life is precious.

Season 17 American Idol contestant Dimitrius Graham sang “You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins when he was eliminated in that show’s Top 10. American Airlines is now in Graham’s heart, after CPR was performed on his mother and the plane’s captain wound up diverting the flight – saving her life.

I hate being emotional but It’s a lot I didn’t say in the video, but I want American Airlines to know how much I truly appreciate them for taking care of my mom. They knew nothing about her health history, yet even before she sat down, a stewardess was asking my mom if she was okay, continuously checking on her. When my mom had a seizure, this incredible woman never left her side. She literally made them turn the plane around.

After my mom went to the hospital, they upgraded her flight to first class and provided exceptional customer service. It makes me think about all the times I’ve been on a plane and encountered people who weren’t kind or only cared about themselves. It warms my heart that this airline took such great care of my mom.

I’m so grateful that #AmericanAirlines saved her life. Thank God! Just wanted to share my appreciation, and I encourage everyone to fly @americanair

In the video he notes that she had a seizure. “My mom could have died in the air” and “my mom is not even supposed to be here right now” so in gratitude he implores his followers, “everybody go fly American Airlines, they’re the best airline in the world.”

According to an American Airlines spokesperson,

We thank Mr. Graham for sharing this moving story about his mother and his appreciation for our team members’ actions. We thank our team too for their professionalism and care. We’d also like to express our gratitude to the customer on this flight who provided medical assistance.

So it’s also a compassionate passenger who assisted Graham’s mom’s here. Her health, notably, has been intertwined with his career for some time. He has shared that things got tough when his mother fell ill a decade ago,

You name it, we lost it. I was depressed, confused, didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. But in spite of how I felt and what my situation looked like, I never stopped trusting in God and today, the only thing I can say is TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

She was about to have surgery when he performed his first solo during American Idol’s ‘Hollywood Week’ so he asked the judges for permission to facetime his mother at the hospital during his set so she could watch him.

I often give American Airlines a hard time over the business choices that they make, but there’s no question that there are a lot of good people at the airline, whose heart is absolutely in the right place.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. There’s a medical emergency on board, if anyone with medical training is available to assist please ring your flight attendant call button? And all you’re thinking is “please don’t divert, please don’t divert.”

    Excuse me WHAT?

    All I’m thinking in that situation is I hope the passenger gets the needed assistance and makes a full recovery. I would unflinchingly accept a diversion and lose a trillion dollar client if it meant that diversion saves the life of that passenger–even if the passenger is a loser.

    Character and fitness, my friend.

  2. Kudos to American and that exceptional crew member and the medical professional who stepped up to the plate. All too often we put ourselves above others, but this story reinforces my faith in the goodness in all of us.

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