American Is Sending Out Charlotte And Philadelphia Flights Without Drinks Or Snacks

American Airlines is having problems feeding passengers, at least at two of its large hubs. Aviation watchdog JonNYC shared some of the details on Twitter of American’s difficulties getting catering out to planes in Charlotte and Philadelphia. While passengers aren’t necessarily being warned in advance to buy food and drinks inside the terminal before they board, they’re in for a surprise that their flight might not have anything for them once they’re in the air.

Through June 30, American’s hub in Charlotte is expected to have challenges with catering. Crew are being told that they shouldn’t request catering when they’ve been underprovisioned. Unless crew meals are missing, they should just depart. Other ‘no go’ items they can delay for are delay kits (emergency snacks for long delays), water and ice.

Similarly, Philadelphia is having catering issues, too. As a result they’re letting many flights under 900 miles go without receiving snacks and beverages. The Philadelphia hub’s focus is on flights of 900 miles or longer that cater meals up front. Similar to Charlotte, employees are being told not to take a delay to request catering – unless they’re missing scheduled crew meals, water, or ice.

American is going to make sure that their employees get fed, on those flights where crew meals are called for. But they’re going to take off without food or drink for passengers in hopes of staying on-time.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Some snarky person will comment that why should the crew eat when the passengers don’t get fed. Sometimes the crew will go 6 to 8 or more hours where the turns are late or so fast, that they can’t get off the plane during cleaning or wait in long lines at fast food to get food, so this policy of only delaying flights missing crew meals is not great, but makes sense.

  2. The dumpster fire continues.

    If they want Isom to step up his game they need to do better than a paltry $31mm

  3. how does AA manage to find a caterer that can’t deliver in not just one hub but two?

  4. That happened to me on Sun Country in June. The plane deboarded us until catering got there and installed the food and drinks. AA should have done the same. We were about 1/2 hr late to destination. But well worth the delay. Thank you Sun Country. The had a good tail wind. Passengers first.

  5. @Tim Dunn … If all catering consisted of unlimited alcohol and French baguettes , I would be cool . Imagine the crumbs and spilled sticky drinks .

    Low wage illegal migrants mashing up entrees is not appetizing to me .

  6. how hard is it load up canned sodas, cups and ice along w/ tiny bags of snacks? if they can get on planes to get water loaded – which they would be derelict not to do in the summer – why is it THAT much more difficult to add other things?

    and still, the question is how this happens in two hubs that are hundreds of miles apart.

  7. What a disAadvantage.

    Another race to the bottom. Surely this had to do with penny pinching.

  8. Had to be to cover all the Golden Parachutes @ the top
    All at expense of the little people
    Leona H

  9. The AA spiral continues…it’s almost as if they are trying to run it into the ground. I’m forced to fly American as a 2M Miler while attempt to burn my miles – will be flying First SAN-PHL-SAN in July…they best have food and beverage or I’ll be getting a credit….between husband and myself have flown 5M on AA but no more…we just buy First or Biz on a competing carrier and stopped trying to maintain our AA status as the miles and free upgrades are worthless and the product has just gotten so mediocre…

  10. Honest question …

    Why after years and years of harsh and often comfort-impairing measures does AA continue to have departure time issues?

    Threat of strike or no.
    Catering or no.
    Starting boarding early or no.
    Proactively canceling seats of pax AA thinks might miss their connections.
    Clear weather or no.

    There’s a systemic problem that AA isn’t addressing. Any thoughts on what that is?

  11. @ralph’s systemic problem

    how can anyone not see it?

    it’s prima facie

    the hulls have reached 125% design capacity

    the terminals have reached 200% design capacity (charlotte possibly 300%)

    the entire operation is scheduling itself to operate every piece of metal 2 and 3 times per day more than originally intended

    it’s not any one thing that can be identified, and fixed

    to feed the share price, the operation must make bricks without straw, and fly more hours than there are in day


  12. Thanks for the heads up.
    I’ll make sure to bring very expensive snacks and soft drinks from the terminal onto my AA flight.

  13. AA preaches that they care for people along life’s journey but in reality….. Well, they’ve proven over and over again that they don’t give two cracks about people at all.

  14. Does anyone else find it interesting that these are American airlines two captive monopoly hubs? I think it’s a concerted effort by American to save money at their to least competitive airports.

  15. Well well, what a coincidence that AA runs their own catering at PHL & CLT. Seems AA is falling apart piece by piece again this summer.

  16. Funny how grown men and women complaining about not having airplane food or drinks.
    Fine dining in the sky is not the case anymore. Airplane food is nothing to write home about!!!!!
    If this is so important to you then by all means eat and drink and be merry before you get on the plane. Or better yet bring something with you to enjoy on your plane ride. My friends the glorious days of flying is long gone.
    I enjoy my flights with a bottle of water ,I purchase at one the many stores though out the termial
    maybe grab a bite to eat. and I always travel with snacks. No headache worrying about if the airlines are going to feed me or not. Or if the plane was cater or not, if the Flight Attendants are going to do a service or not. Or if the Pilot say its going be to bumpy for the crew to come out to the aisle.
    Once you grasp this concept your flying experience will be much better.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  17. And, today in this same blog, the Philadelphia airport is screwing the customers by adding a 3% surcharge to every purchase. What is wrong with these people? One might think that the AA stockholders would be up in arms over the total lack of customer service provided by American. One might think that the stockholders would be offering Isom to a burning stake over his lack of management skills. One might think that the employees would… wait a second. One might think that the unions would be raising hell…hmmm. The unions don’t give a damn about the company or the customers. They only think about…the unions padding their bank accounts. All the passengers (a/k/a THE CUSTOMERS) hear are excuses. Again, AA has become a sh**ho** company. Once the company goes bust, all of these troublemakers are going to head to other airlines. With any luck…the other airlines will see what these applicants did to AA and won’t have anything to do with them. Anyone remember “Total Bastard Airline” from SNL? “Buh bye!”

  18. To be clear, crew meals are only for pilots per their contract. No meals are provisioned for flight attendants.

    I believe the catering problems stem from massive call offs as catering in Philadelphia and Charlotte are the last American Airlines employee catering hubs and rumor has it they announced they are moving to third party vendors.

  19. The CEO of American makes 30 million plus to run the company into the ground. How does US corporate management get away with these outrageous salaries while the lowest paid employees, aka flight attendans are given letters to apply for food stamps? How did Americans allow this to happen? In my opinion, management in US corporations are way overpaid and share very little responsibility when they destroy their companies little by little

  20. Four million miler here who quit flying AA when the race to the bottom started. Arrogance (and insane compensation) in the C Suite results in insolence at the counter, at the gate, on the ramp and at the FA level. Customer service generates loyalty and willingness to pay premiums. Example: I finished an assignment in AMA early enough to get to DFW in time to connect to final destination early. Plane had empty seats. Denied boarding because of “the 35 minute rule”. Waited 5 hours for the next flight.

  21. Just so you know, the pilots are the ones getting fed, not the flight attendants. If I was a passenger, I would not fly AA because the upper management, run by former America West management) could care less about you, the passengers. The flight attendants have been hung out to die!! It’s time to get rid of this management!

  22. This article is bad for the airline industry. You shouldn’t divulge that kind of information . Regardless I flew for a regional airline for a loooong time never given a crew meal let alone a lunch break sometimes never got to get off the aircraft for a 14 hour day and it was hell. The airlines take advantage of crew at the cost of passengers. And they are laughing all the way to the bank.

  23. Catering Faculty’s are located off the airport grounds at most airports due to the high rent free m DOA at each airport. The crew meals refer to the captain and first office, flight attendants don’t get meals even after a 13 hours day.

    Hey Gary why don’t you do a vote on the confidence of Robert Isom on how he is running American. I take a quick guess 100% vote of non-confidence.

  24. To me airline food is right up there with hospital food. They might even be in the same league as MRE’s. That is if you get any food on your flight other than a bag of pretzels & maybe a drink. FLY NAVY!!! At least they had box lunches.

  25. I just switched from AA to Delta and was surprised BUR to SlLC.on a big Airbus they had cups of water and Biscoff/sunchips. The way back in a tiny Embraer they had full can sodas.

  26. Please know…Crew meals are PiLOT meals, NOT flight attendants. Don’t get it twisted.

  27. People are complaining about not getting a biscoff cookie or a bag or pretzels on a 2hr flight?

    None of these 2m-5m mile flyers have club access? Sitting in the Centurion lounge in CLT right now, decent food and plenty of drinks options. Hell even the long delayed upgraded admirals club has snacks to go. Finding it tough to believe these outraged frequent fliers give a flying f@ck about shitty snacks on a regional flight. Either that or everyone skipped over the <900 mile part.

  28. American Airlines ain’t what it use to be ….with one decision after another, this is their acceptable comfort level. AA isn’t even trying to pretend to be a quality airline.

  29. Please be more specific. Pilots meals. Flight attendants at American do not get fed. Unless it is a long haul flight out / to phl and clt. Only.

  30. I have never seen a Company that endures more self inflicted BS for no reason. As one employee told Me…..”they attempt to put 10 pounds of chit into a 5 pound bag and want applause, accolades and pats on the back for their Effort”. Doug Parker was never fit to run a Large Airline and Robert Isom is clearly out of his league. WTH is the BOD?

  31. In the last two weeks I flew from Philly and Charlotte and both flights had beverage service and complimentary snacks as well!

  32. Dont load food in order to stay on time? Was on an American flt last week and pilot said having issues with changing caterers so no food on flt, PHL to ATL. People pay upcharges to get main cabin extra seats who perks are larger seats + alcohol. I am Plat Pro so my main cabin xtra seats incl liquor but for free. I would be upset knowing the upcharge fee would not incl the free liquor and they didnt tell me!

  33. Um….crew meals really means front end/flight deck/pilot meals.

    There have not been flight attendant meals since 2003.

    These people sometimes fly 10 – 12 hrs over four legs and have no time to get off/food.

    Crew meals – what a misnomer

  34. What’s wrong at AA…a lot as of late, some is being way overhyped and sensationalized, especially on this site.
    @ff2 is right on, don’t play the victim. get your water, soda, snacks, and move on. There is no “meal” on flights less than 900 miles anyway, and if you need to stuff your fat face, bring it with you.
    Along that line, AA has a really great free onboard entertainment. It plays on your phone or device. It has great content and is super easy to connect to.
    Stop bitching about seat back screens, y’all have your phones and earbuds with you. Shut up about screens.

    Remember USAir? Yeah they sucked, big time. Well that’s who’s running AA.
    PHL an international gateway vs JFK? YHGTBSM., PHL is a cheap hub for AA. It’s all about the costs. never mind that NY, biggest market nonsense, and higher revenue.
    AA was the leading airline until Mr. Crandall left. Since then the MBA’s and CPA’s have rung everything out of it. I flew long haul for 30 yrs at AA, caviar, roses in first and business, best soft product in the sky. We flew more Europe and Deep South than anyone. DL and UA were WAY behind us.
    Now, one shot drinks, no predeparture service, here’s your tray. The FA’s are more concerned with their break schedule.

    It’s sad, as an EP, I still get upgrades almost every leg, but the last time I went across the pond, I used my BA miles. J class on an A380. Eh, not better.
    Last J class long haul on AA was OGG-DFW. The service was awful. Mostly due to horrible FA’s, but the seat was great. Oh, and I had downloaded movies and shows to my iPad.

  35. Who is lodged so for under a rock that they don’t already know American is the worst? None of this is surprising. For many reasons I never fly them even if they were half the price of the competition. That’s what they don’t get. That the flying public has not appetite for abuse at any price.

  36. Blaming the unions at AA is ridiculous as they ate the ones complaining how bad it has gotten at AA. Management is at fault as they line their pickets and fund their golden parachutes

  37. Judging by the AA delay/cancelations at JAX for CLT, PHL, and DFW flights, and now THIS – WTF is going on at American Airlines???? I work at JAX, and every day, it’s AA.

  38. First it’s 900 miles or less or 2 hours or less. Second, coffee, tea, water and juices are available. Yes, this is not great, but no one is going to strave or dehydrate. Most if not all coach passengers on AA bring food to begin with since BOB is very limited and BTW, BOB not available on flights under 2 hours/900 miles to begin with.

    This is temporary and hostly, my last 3 hour DL flight, they ran out with 10 rows remaining for beverages and ice so. . . . at least we know and AA CLT and PHL need to get fixed but that will wait until they can get the old USAir ways people out of the mix, the true problem. AA just needs to let passengers know, but short of that this is not a crisis.

    We have bigger issues in this world then if I am getting pretzels and a coke or if I can wait 2 hours. But Robert I needs to go and get someone in place who can run an operation of this size and provide consistant passenger service.

  39. Isom, Seymour, Byrnes and Wells are in way over their heads. Pure incompetence and they treat the passengers worse than the employees.

    They surround themselves with yes/men/women who tell them everything is OK while “Rome burns”. The AA BOD are worthless because they are backslapping friends with Isom and reap too many rewards for doing nothing.

    Your best bet is to contact the new CEO of The Vanguard Group and Blackstone who are the major shareholders. I hear they are not happy and want them gone. Not an easy task.

    BTW, when Isom is fired, he gets another $23 Million to walk. Not a bad gig after getting $31 Million in 2023. Vasu who was terminated was paid $12 Million in 2023 for acute failure and acting like someone who needs meds and a psych ward.

    The entire operation is a disgrace because no one has any direction or guidance. It is not the employee’s fault when Managers are hired off the street and paid less than anyone else. Managers.are fired on a daily basis.

    The big boys at Skyview HQ could be much wealthier if they ran a responsible operation with a quality product. But they are too stupid to realize that.

    The thieving and lying is more enjoyable for them. A sadistic game every single day.

    If you met them, you would see how vulgar they really are.

  40. Ah yes, View From The Right Wing is again finding a way to blame workers for corporate greed. Crew meals are 1) contractually required and 2) very necessary given the difficult schedules AA is running their narrowbody crews on. But let’s whine about that instead of addressing the real problem – American is a major world airline being run like a regional LCC hybrid based in PHX. There are easy fixes for this, but hand wringing and blaming employees is easier.

  41. Crandall may have taken away the olives and refused to paint the aircraft to save money, but he would NEVER have tolerated flights routinely dispatched without catering. AA is an embarrassment to the industry and has to be fixed ASAP but that means CEO, BOD, and all MGMT from US and AW have to go. Totally clean house and bring in someone with skills like Bethune as CEO. Oh and give Wall Street the middle finger until things are back on track for several years.

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