About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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How Airport Security Will Change After Revelations the TSA Doesn’t Actually Stop Bombs or Weapons

Jun 03 2015

In undercover tests the TSA failed to detect weapons and explosives 95% of the time.

I’ve had some time to think about this result, and what it means… and most importantly what the government’s reaction may be.

Already the TSA’s acting director has been reassigned because someone must take responsibility and goodness knows it won’t be the people who designed our current approach to security.

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Another Program Plays Monkey See, Monkey Do

Jun 03 2015

Etihad Guest has been a surprisingly generous program, more so than their competitors in the Middle East region in my opinion.

They’re a Citibank ThankYou rewards transfer partner, and their award availability is good (I’ve always booked my Etihad awards through American AAdvantage, however).

Effective July 8, Etihad is making some major changes to its frequent flyer program — along the lines of rewarding premium fares more than cheap ones (although rewarding everyone less overall) and becoming less generous especially for premium cabin upgrades and redemptions.

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Sneak Preview: Inside the American Express Centurion Lounge Miami

Jun 03 2015

I had an opportunity to see American Express Centurion lounge Miami last night and try the food since I was invited to the pre-opening party there.

The food was outstanding, especially the beef short rib and the fried chicken. There’s a spa, a kids room, and shower room. And gorgeous floor to ceiling windows spanning much of the lounge that overlook airport operations.

For sheer contrast with the rest of the Miami airport, this lounge is an amazing respite and a real win now that it’s opened.

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Hyatt Diamond Status Challenge is Back, Now Open to Everyone

Hyatt has been exceptionally generous in being willing to give elite members of other hotel chains temporary top tier status in the Gold Passport program, while offering an expedited way to keep that status. And they even gave these temporary Diamond full confirmed suite upgrades as though they had earned the status for a year. This was exceptionally game-able. Plenty of folks signed up for a credit card that gave them Hilton Gold status and leveraged that into Hyatt Diamond — maybe transferred some points into Hyatt from Chase Ultimate Rewards, booked cash and points award stays, upgraded them to suites at booking and enjoyed free breakfasts during their stays. Suite at the Park Hyatt Chennai Complimentary Diamond Room Service Breakfast at the Park Hyatt Vendome, Paris Complimentary Diamond Room Service Breakfast at the Andaz…

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You Can Now Upgrade to a Barclaycard Aviator Silver Card, But Do You Want To?

The US Airways Dividend Miles program has been folded into American AAdvantage. And now only Citibank has the right to issue new American AAdvantage personal (and small business) co-brand credit cards. Barclaycard used to issue the US Airways card. Existing Barclaycard US Airways MasterCard cardholders became Barclaycard American AAdvantage cardholders. Barclaycard can’t issue new accounts, but they can continue to service existing customers. And they have a suite of (4) personal cards to offer existing customers: Here’s a description of all four. Roughly speaking the two bottom tier cards are legacy offerings geared towards US Airways cardholders whose cards had been issued by Bank of America (a portfolio Barclaycard recently acquired). They’re meant to mirror the offerings those customers already had. Aviator Red is What Most Former US Airways Cardmembers Have, or Will Receive Most…

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Hotel Chain CEOs Pick Their Favorite Hotels From Other Brands

Via Scott Mayerowitz, we learn that: Hilton’s CEO likes the Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island Accor’s CEO nominates the Andaz Amsterdam And Wyndham’s CEO says his favorite is the Park Hyatt Vendome in Paris These answers were given at the NYU Hospitality Conference where hotel CEOs were also clearly on the side of the Middle East carriers in their dispute against United, Delta, and American. Hotel chains compete globally, including on service, so aren’t likely to be convinced by pleas for protectionism As Wyndham’s CEO noted, he’d rather fly @emirates @qatarairways @EtihadAirways over @AmericanAir @Delta @united The funny thing – at least to me – is that such a preference ought to be very aircraft-specific. Emirates has 10-abreast seating on their 777 (so does American, but not Delta or United). Emirates and Qatar have angled business class…

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