About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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A Food Tour of Colombo, Sri Lanka

May 18 2015

Since I didn’t have much time, and I’m not an expert on either Sri Lankan food or getting around the capital, I decided to hire a guide for a few hours on my day in Colombo.

I found an excellent guide, and since it’s Sri Lanka it was reasonably priced. We began at the floating market, stopped at a street vendor and for some dessert, and at a Sri Lankan vegetarian buffet.

I will never look at eating my fruits and vegetables the same way again, and especially loved the kottu, made of roti, vegetables, egg, meat, and spices…

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No, Customers Aren’t Booking Away from American Airlines. Why Do You Ask?

May 18 2015

A USA Today column made the claim today that passengers are booking away from American Airlines due to customer service. It gets facts wrong, concedes customers aren’t *actually* avoiding flying American, and then points out one of the places it says customers are going – United – has more DOT complaints than American.

The article has been clogging up frequent flyer forums and my Facebook feed all day. Some logic needs to be applied here.

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Review: My First-Ever Hilton Suite Upgrade, at the Colombo Hilton (Sri Lanka)

May 17 2015

I had one night to spend in Colombo. It’s a popular stopover to and from the Maldives, since it’s inexpensive and easier to get in and out of than Male, though there the Maldives capital is increasingly accessible.

I actually wanted to spend the night in Colombo, though, and set up the trip this way on purpose. I could have done an outright stopover on my one-way Alaska Airlines-issued Emirates award, but I just booked it as a 23 hour connection. That was enough to grab some food in Sri Lanka.

For the night I chose one of the only Western chain hotels, the Hilton which is very much a business property.

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The CEOs of American and Delta Keep Using This Word ‘Subsidy’ But Do Not Understand What it Means

May 17 2015

American CEO Doug Parker thinks that when the government picks up his airline’s obligations, that’s not a subsidy because they haven’t given him cash.

Delta CEO RIchard Anderson thinks because they pay corporate taxes they aren’t getting tax (or other) subsidies.

Or at least that’s what they *say* they believe. They can’t possibly really think that, though, right?

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More Delta Routes Offered for Just 5000 Miles One Way

May 17 2015

Delta isn’t just testing 5000 mile one-way awards on the Los Angeles – San Francisco route. It’s available to several cities, and not just from Los Angeles… though isn’t available between several cities you might expect it.

Know where you can fly for just 5000 SkyMiles each way. And why this remains a disturbing trend for the direction of the program.

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