About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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‘A Rollercoaster Nosedive in the Sky’: Passengers Hit Ceiling On LATAM Flight 800 from Sydney to Auckland

Mar 11 2024

Passengers aboard the flight recounted moments of chaos and fear as some individuals, not secured by seatbelts, were propelled through the cabin, causing injuries and damage to the aircraft’s interior. Passenger Brian Jokat described the plane suddenly dropping without warning, likening the experience to a nosedive at the top of a rollercoaster before stabilizing again. Passengers hit the ceiling, with one individual suffering broken ribs after falling back down, among other reported injuries involving broken bones and head trauma.

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This Can’t Be Real: Jealous Wife Confronts Bikini-Clad Passenger For Flirting With Her Husband

Mar 10 2024

This is a pretty shocking altercation in first class. A woman in a bikini prances onto the plane. She must violate every airline appearance standard, but she’s been allowed to board. And she gets into a fight with the woman in the row behind her, because the scantily clad passenger appeared a little too sexy to that woman’s husband.

In fact, the wife threw a blanket on the passenger in the bikini – something that woman didn’t take kindly to.

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Luggage Theft Prank by YouTube Star Ends With Victim Taken Down By Police

Mar 10 2024

A YouTube ‘prankster’ took a passenger’s luggage at baggage claim and his partner filmed the reaction. The passengerr lost it, going after the man who took the bag. Police responded to the altercation – and tackled the man whose luggage was stolen because he was seen attacking the YouTube perpetrator.

Subdued and cuffed, the passenger offered his explanation of what happened. His bag was beig taken, but he also committed assault – while the filming continued. Video of the incident contains language that is not safe for work (or safe for work from home, for that matter).

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Delta Flight Grounded When Passenger Finds Wrong Safety Card In Seat Back Pocket

Mar 10 2024

Retired Delta Airlines captain Karlene Petitt, who had a long-running dispute with her airline over her fitness to fly reported that a pilot from another airline, flying on Delta, noticed that the plane had incorrect safety briefing cards in the seat back pocket.

The flight was operated by a Boeing 757, but there were some seats with cards for a Boeing 737. The flight had to be delayed, eventually 10 incorrect cards were found, and fortunately this was in Atlanta and they had the correct cards to replace them with – otherwise the plane could not fly.

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It Turns Out Airport Noise Complaints Are Total Malarkey

Mar 09 2024

Most people living near airports moved in after the airport was built. They, like, knew the airport was there when they bought or rented the place! And today’s planes are far quieter than they were decades ago. Airport noise is less of a thing than it used to be.

So I don’t have a lot of sympathy when people complain and try to restrict flights in and out of airports, complaining about the noise. But it turns out that not many people actually complain.

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