In reaction to Michael O’Leary once again talking about standing inflight in order to squeeze more passengers onto a plane, Garett Jones tweets, What argument do defenders of government-mandated airline seatbelt paternalism use? It can’t be that plane crashes aren’t salient to buyers. Of course it’s not even obvious that Michael O’Leary’s RyanAir really wants stand up aircraft. They want to talk about standing up on planes, because it signals that they do everything possible to offer a cheap product, and it gets free coverage of that meme. Just like every so often he talks about charging to use the lavatories. Nonetheless, Jones asks a good question. Why do we have to use seatbelts on planes? I’m not talking about why seatbelts are provided, I think they are really helpful. Anyone who has been through…
30% Bonus Coming on Transfers from Membership Rewards to British Airways
Last week the American Express Membership Rewards website was briefly showing a 30% transfer bonus that wasn’t going to go live for a month. What’s odd is that the Membership Rewards website never shows future bonuses, at least I haven’t seen it, so I assumed it was a glitch. And indeed the information was pulled off the site quickly. If you go to the page for the US American Express Membership Rewards program’s partnership with British Airways, no bonus appears. I was curious, so I got in touch with American Express. At first they were as perplexed as I was, but after a little bit of digging got back to let me know that indeed there would be a 30% transfer bonus coming down the pike. Specifically, the 30% bonus will start on December 3…
Does Delta’s New Website Reveal that a New Revenue-Based Skymiles Program is Coming Soon?
Delta has been rumored to be introducing a new, revenue-based frequent flyer program since March. An internal document on the potential program was leaked, and ever since then the frequent flyer community has been waiting for Skypesos armageddon. The rumors heated up last month. My own prediction has been that Delta announces the program in 2013 and introduces it for 2014 (even though they have a history of making changes with no notice whatsoever, it’s hard to imagine this one is done without a rollout). And by ‘this one’ we don’t yet know what it is. And I’ve decided not to worry about it for my own travels. There are plenty of frequent flyer programs in the world, I like the Flying Blue and Korean Air programs within Skyteam better anyway (largely but not exclusively…
Bank of America Worldpoints Eliminating Their Best Redemption Option on January 31
Bank of America Worldpoints offered one and only one redemption option of reasonable value per point — transfers to Aeroplan. With the right card you could earn 2 Aeroplan points per dollar. Unfortunately it appears that this option will be ending on January 31. You will still, however, be able to hire an Elvis impersonator for about 17,000 points. Or redeem for 2-D glasses, a spermbike, a McWedding, or even ice cream made from breast milk if you must.
Rumors of Bluebird and Vanilla’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated
Several commenters have mentioned here on the blog, several folks have e-mailed me today, and I’ve also checked over at my local Office Depot which had Vanilla Reload cards yesterday, but it does seem like Office Depot is withdrawing those cards from sale. Even stores that still had some, many are removing the cards from their shelves. And there’s much hand-wringing and teeth gnashing over it, of course. There’s no question that this was one of the great, albeit short-lived opportunities: to buy money with a credit card, earn points, and use that money to pay off the credit card. It was the U.S. Mint (buying coins by credit card, depositing the coins, paying off the credit card) without the hassle of physical coins which were heavy and required transporting. Except… even if Office Depot…
How Google Could Become Your New Travel Agent, if Orbitz, Expedia, and Travelocity Can’t Get The Government to Stop Them
The Federal Trade Commission has been investigating Google for 18 months and is apparently close to a decision. The allegations, while generally about their search practices, whether they’re a monopoly, and whether they ‘unfairly’ use their search engine to benefit their own complementary businesses versus directing traffic to other companies (and implicitly whether there is a ‘right’ to traffic on the part of those businesses, and whether Google should be thought of as a public utility), are in many ways about how Google has entered the travel space and how they are trying to transform the future of online travel. The FTC has focused on claims that Google’s search results have emphasized its own products, such as online shopping or travel services, while giving less prominence to smaller competitors in those fields. I do start…
Minimum Spend is No Longer an Issue for Credit Card Signup Bonuses
The advent of the American Express Bluebird card has been a huge development for frequent flyers in the miles and points game. It’s a product for the ‘unbanked’, American Express has partnered with Walmart and that should provide insight into the target market for the product. It’s a prepaid American Express card (for folks who aren’t getting credit cards) combined with an online bank account — it holds money, accepts direct deposit, and allows you to pay bills by check through its bill pay system. And you can even withdraw funds from an ATM machine. The key feature though is the ability load funds into the account by buying Vanilla reload cards with a credit card. You’re basically buying money with a credit card for a fee of $3.95 per $500 card. And then you…
Accor Hotels 50% Off Sale
Lots of blog readers are now instant top tier platinum members of Leclub Accor Hotels (and as of this morning this was still available). Many new platinums will be interested in the return of Accor’s 50% off sale. The booking period will start for Le Club Accorhotels members on November 13th. Bookings must be made by November 22 for stays between December 15 and February 10, except that in the following countries stays can be booked farther out: Austria: through February 28 Belgium and Luxemburg: through March 31 Netherlands: through March 28 Italy: through March 31 France: through March 31 These rates are pre-paid, non-refundable, and non-changeable.
American and its Pilots Union Have Reached an Agreement
American announced this afternoon that it had reached an agreement with its pilots union. The Dallas News Aviation Blog writes that the document which was agreed to was a ‘comprehensive counter proposal’ prepared by the pilots union itself. As a document that the union put forward, one imagines that the union members will vote to ratify it. But the last time a contract was forwarded by the union to the pilots, the pilots rejected it. I wrote on Monday that an agreement was close but that the union was apparently worried about putting it forward, probably worried for their jobs since they’re the ones who ousted the previous union leadership after it had failed to get the membership to ratify a contract. So nothing is done until it’s done. Still, I suspect the pilots realize…
Expert Flyer Introduces an Android App to Help You Get a Better Seat
Expert Flyer, a subscription service that I reviewed over the summer, has a new Android app for seat alerts. You can set up a single seat alert for free, meaning a flight where you don’t have the seat you want they will keep checking for better seats and ping you when one becomes available. Say you are a united elite and there’s no economy plus seating available when you book. Or you want an exit row on American or Delta. Seats open up when someone cancels, or most likely close to departure when another passenger’s upgrade clears. Expertflyer lets you know when the seats you tell it to check for become available, and you can then go online or call and change your seats. Often the best seats are gone close to departure, I booked…