About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Amazon Groceries Discount

I realize I’ve been well outside the real of frequent flying with the last few posts, but for folks who travel so much it seems like there’s never any time to go to the grocery store I just thought I’d note that Amazon.com now sells groceries, and through August 31 is offering $10 off a $49 order with coupon code GROCERY2 in addition to free super saver shipping on orders of $25 or more. Details here. Update: If you’re hitting $25 for free shipping anyway, why not add a 79 cent PDA case?

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Cheap bags

Brylane Home has a clutch reduced to $1.99 and a tote and clutch reduced to $7.99. You can use discount code BKSHIP3 for free shipping or code BHSAVE15 for $15 off a $30 order if purchasing multiples of these items.

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Same Travel Site, Same Flights or Hotel, Different Prices

Alex Tabarrok points to a discussion of a travel website that appears to price the same hotel differently depending on how results are sorted — offering lower prices for the same room if a person search the site chooses to sort by price (presumably indicating that price is their key criteria for choosing a hotel). I’m not sure I’ve ever seen results precisely the same, but I do understand that Hotwire has been known to offer slightly different pricing to users of different web browsers (perhaps the theory being that more obscure browsers indicate net-savvy individuals who would be more price sensitive?). And there’s a current Flyertalk discussion on whether the ever-problematic USAirways website prices flights higher for Dividend Miles members that are logged into their accounts (although I suspect that it’s a preferences issue…

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Mmmm… cookie.

chocolate chip cookies
Jun 30 2006

Hotel Chatter reports that Doubletree hotel properties are giving away their chocolate chip cookies to anyone who walks in and asks for 24 hours on the Fourth of July.

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You, too, can honeymoon like Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are honeymooning at the new St. Regis Bora Bora. According to Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, the newlyweds are staying in the luxury $15,000 a night U.S. Royal Estate at the new St. Regis resort. … Kidman and Urban are among the first guests of the Royal Estate over-water bungalow in the resort, which just opened a few weeks ago. The massive over-water villa boasts a 24-hour butler service, an in-room Jacuzzi and a room with a private swimming pool. And to think, part of my own honeymoon was just at the nearby Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa. But then that was the most posh property on the island at the time, the St. Regis only just opened this month. And I had the room next to where Christina Applegate honeymooned,…

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Marriott is ramping up their airline checkin stations quickly

marriott hotel
Jun 27 2006

Marriott is ramping up their checkin kiosks from 32 properties now to 150 within two weeks. All Marriott and Renaissance properties are targeted to have the machines by the end of September. The kiosks will have the functionality to print airline boarding passes, a nice feature indeed. Marriott is actually a bit behind the curve on this one, Hilton announced the capability of their kiosks to print boarding passes back in April, but Marriott looks like it will jump ahead of its competitors with the ubiquity of the feature across two of its brands within a few months. This is one of the easy no-brainers of the hotel industry. If done right the cost to set up the machines with internet connectivity and a printer should be low, and it’s a major convenience. But in…

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Big Delta iDine Offer as Well

Jun 27 2006

Via Free Frequent Flyer Miles, there’s also a Delta 25,000 iDine bonus on offer. Registration is required by July 25. The deal is that you need 25 qualified dines of $25 or more by 12/31/06 for 25,000 bonus miles.

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25,000 United Miles for Dining

Jun 26 2006

Here’s the biggest iDine bonus I’ve ever seen. If you spend $125 a month at iDine restaurants on qualifying dines during each of the last six months of the year you’ll earn 25,000 bonus United miles. Registration is required by July 25.

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