About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Travel Blog Awards

The Upgrade: Travel Better blog is hosting travel blog awards, “the Travvies.” Categories are:– Best Travel Blog – Best Destination Blog – Best Informative/Practical Travel Blog – Best Group-Written Travel Blog – Best Single-Author Travel Blog – Best Photography on a Travel Blog Nominations are open until “8am, Chicago time, Monday, February 12.”Handing out awards is a great way to generate traffic and links to your site, so kudos on the excellent marketing over on that blog! 🙂

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Pushing for a Room at Checkin

Sometimes room upgrades require a little push at check-in. It would be nice if it wasn’t necessary, but sometimes it is. And sometimes, even though you’ve been upgraded, you can improve that upgrade — even beyond what you’re entitled to under the guidelines of the hotel chain’s loyalty program. Last month I completed my tour of disfavored Westin hotels (my earlier post on the Westin St. Maarten Dawn Beach is here). I visited the Westin Rio Mar — generally disfavored because, though there are plenty of suites and it’s an oceanfront resort, the property needs some real renovation work and the beach is hardly the best in Puerto Rico. (In general, the ‘mega resort’ experience on Puerto Rico is superior at El Conquistador.) Still, I was in the area and wanted to see for myself,…

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Italian Teacher Makes Fake Bid for Alitalia

That this bid made it through the ‘screening process’ says as much about the problems at Alitalia (and the Italian government) as any lengthier analysis. An Italian high school aviation teacher earning 1,200 euros ($1,500) a month became a minor celebrity in Italy on Tuesday by slipping through a fake plan to buy ailing Alitalia as a protest against years of mismanagement. “This was a provocation. It was my way of making a citizen’s protest,” said Fabio Scaccia, who teaches aerodynamics and aircraft design at a trade high school in the city of Frosinone just south of Rome. When Italy’s Treasury Ministry announced the 11 expressions of interest to buy struggling Alitalia on Monday night, even the most well-connected business journalists were stymied by the number three entry: “Fabio Scaccia (individual)”. No one knew who…

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Honoring the Founder of Southwest Airlines

The Wall Street Journal carries a piece (subscription required after seven days from this posting) on Lamar Muse – founding President and CEO of Southwest airlines – who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has been given only a few months to live. Lamar Muse, the pioneering executive who helped a fledgling Southwest Airlines take off in the 1970s, is dying, which raises an awkward question for the carrier: How do you honor a man who’s been both ally and adversary? During his eight years as chief executive of the carrier, Lamar Muse helped turn a struggling start-up into one of the most audacious success stories in corporate history, putting in place a business strategy that Southwest still follows to this day. Yet it was co-founder Herb Kelleher who went on to become the…

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Northwest Ups the Offers to Elites

Jan 30 2007

Northwest has finally improved the offerings of its elite program. It doesn’t bring them up to par with American and United, which both offer a substantial international upgrade benefit to their top tier flyers, but it’s a move in the right direction. The Flyertalk discussion is here. After flying 60, 90, 120 and 160,000 miles Northwest is offering elites the choice of new benefits (much as United has been doing the past couple of years). Choices include bonus miles, the ability to give away lower tiered elite status, lounge memberships, and most importantly — starting at 120,000 miles flown — international upgrade certificates. Now, Northwest only offers 2 at 120,000 miles and 2 more at 160,000 miles flown (compared to 6 for United and 8 for American at 100,000 miles) but Northwest’s certificates appear to…

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