About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Delta Membership Rewards Transfer Bonus

Between October 1 and November 15, Delta is offering a 15% bonus on transfers from American Express Membership rewards of 75,000 points or less and a 20% bonus on transfers of more than 75,000 points. Registration required. Note that the fine print of the promotion says that pre-registration begins September 20th, though the website is taking registrations now. If you intend to use the promotion I’d go back and re-register in a couple of days. The fine print also says the offer begins October 1, even though the large print says it begins “now”. This is really annoying, but just be aware that you should wait until October 1 to do any transfers to Delta from Membership Rewards.

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Hilton Sweepstakes to Hawaii

Hilton has a sweepstakes with 10 trips for two to the Hilton Waikoloa Village for six nights including roundtrip airfare and 69 3-night Hilton stays. You can enter once per day. US residents only, but residents of Florida, Rhode Island, and Puerto Rico are not eligible.

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New Airline Security Blog

Via Reason‘s Hit & Run, there’s a new blog on airline security, privacy, and civil liberties issues: SecondaryScreening.net. There some great observations on how easily the government gets around freedom of information act requests via unlimited, unpunishable redaction… that the government has effectively gutted airline privacy policies (so don’t believe what you read on their websites)… and how 1.17 billion people could get free iPods (while 4.687 billion go without iPods and a bit more spam).Looks like one for the bookmark file.

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Alaska and Delta announce partnership

Alaska Airlines and Delta have announced a partnership that will involve codesharing, reciprocal mileage earning and burning, and lounge access. No start date has yet been announced. It makes tons of sense, as Delta is weak on the West Coast with a small hub at Salt Lake City as their western base. Alaska partners with Continental and Northwest – both Delta partners – already. Of course, Alaska also partners with American. Come to think of it, they’ll dance with anyone – including KLM (a Northwest/Continental/Delta partner) and Qantas, British Airways, and Cathay Pacific (American partners). The arrangement between Alaska and Delta is unlikely to include reciprocal upgrade privileges – something that Alaska only extends to Northwest’s elite frequent flyers and then only on a day of departure space available basis, except for travelers on full…

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You know you think about miles too much when…

You know you think about miles too much when… * …you hear the words “mile a minute” and find yourself pondering the concept of earning bonus miles as a function of time. …you answer the question, “How many miles per gallon do you get?” with “It depends on what credit card I use.” …you unthinkingly ask your non-frequent flyer friend why she is taking the nonstop flight to London instead of the connection through Syracuse. …you check 4 times a day to see if another partner has posted on the Northwest Fly Free Faster promo. …one half of your brain keeps trying to calculate the cost/mile value of a mileage run against a baseline of a $24.98 SFO-CDG ticket, leading to a temporary conclusion that a $507 JFK-SIN trip is “expensive”. …you criticize your spouse…

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