About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Another Northwest Game

Northwest has a new instant win game Take an online tour of our new World Business Class* now and earn a chance to win: Grand Prize – a pair of World Business Class tickets to anywhere Northwest or KLM flies 10 Instant Prizes – 50,000 WorldPerks

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More Free Stuff

You can choose from a Waterworld poster, retractable 12′ computer modem cord, stickable bubble clock, or carabineer flashlight. Here’s a coupon for a free Pepsi from Baja Fresh, no purchase required. And for a more travel related item, you can get a $25 coffee certificate for participating in an online demo from Expedia Corporate Travel.

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Megamiles for Cell Phones

Earn 25,000 miles on United, Northwest or Delta for each phone and service agreement you purchase from Nextel through March 31st — up to 125,000 miles. Alternatively, you can earn 16 Southwest Rapid Rewards credits per phone and plan, up to 80 credits.Most purchases require a two-year service agreement and carry a $200 early termination fee.Read the fine print on the offer you’re considering, though. First, the miles won’t all be posted right away. Instead, Miles will be awarded as 2,000 miles after 30-days, 1,000 miles per month for the next 21 months and 2,000 miles after the 23rd month. Second, the Delta and Northwest offers for 25,000 miles per phone are only available to elite members — at least that’s what the terms and conditions say. The Southwest offer says it’s valid only for…

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A Golden Age for Frequent Flyer Offers?

Gary Steiger (of Free Frequent Flyer Miles) apparently thinks so DALLAS, Texas (AP) — Gary Steiger, an avid traveler and admitted cheapskate, has been scanning come-ons for free airline travel for a long time and he can’t believe his eyes. Free air miles for opening a bank or brokerage account. Earn 10,000 miles to sign up with a long-distance phone company for six months. Gift cards that let homeowners earn miles on their mortgage payments. “We’re seeing more offers out there,” said Steiger, a retired high school teacher in Ross, California, who tracks the offers for a frequent fliers Web site. “Airlines are realizing that selling miles to businesses who resell them to their customers is one of the few profit centers airlines have.” Traditional airlines like American and Delta have a new attitude about…

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Northwest speaks up on privacy violations

Northwest violated its own privacy policies when it volunteered passenger data to the US government. It may even have violated EU privacy law, since many of the passengers likely had KLM flights on their itineraries. Their defense? Passengers don’t have a right to expect privacy (their policy notwithstanding), and violating their privacy policy was a good thing to do.Oh, but not to worry, because even though it’s important to share data with the government its current policy is to not provide “passenger name record data” to private contractors or federal government agencies for use in aviation security research projects. More coherent arguments to come, presumably…

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