About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Two New Free Electronics Offers

free electronics
Jan 21 2005

Gratis Networks, the semi-secret company behind the free electronics offers like the free Photo iPod, looks like it is beginning to come out of the closet. Their corporate website now features a blog with updates on their offers and newsclips. It makes for an interesting read, as they’ve been covered across the mainstream media. It also signifies a bit of a shift for them, I think. They seem to have tried to fly a bit ‘under the radar’ in the past, making it difficult to find out who or where they were. Part of their business model has been to keep everything automated and to provide nearly no customer service whatsoever. I wonder whether that’s changing. I have had absolutely outstanding luck with them. I’ve received an iPod, a Photo iPod, a flatscreen TV, a…

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Too many miles chasing too few seats (so burn as you earn)

Jan 20 2005

Back in November I explained why mileage award prices will go up, now and in the future, because there are simply too many miles chasing too few seats. This new piece (originally in the Boston Globe and then syndicated) outlines the current state of the phenomenon. Frequent-flier miles are easier to come by as airlines sell more miles to partners like credit card companies and hotels, but they’re harder than ever to redeem. Behind-the-scenes deals with corporate partners are helping cash-strapped airlines rake in millions of dollars at a time when high fuel costs and lower fares are killing their bottom lines. At the same time, these deals give companies that buy miles a sought-after incentive to offer their customers. But frequent-flier club members shouldn’t think all the freebie miles they’ve racked up will add…

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Foot Locker Discount

FootLocker has a printable coupon for 30% off valid from January 21 – January 23. It can be used online as well with promo code FF05EM01. There’s a similar printable coupon for Foot Action and Champs Sports.

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Northwest Enhances its Website – in a Good Way

Jan 18 2005

Another reason that I picked Northwest for Best Website in the Freddie Awards balloting — they’ve just introduced online redemption for upgrade awards. Most airline programs won’t even tell you when upgrades are available. Most won’t even display their upgrade inventory buckets publicly in the Global Distribution Systems. They keep the information proprietary and you have to call and and waste tremendous amounts of your (and their agents’) time. Sure, there are workarounds. With United you can search for award travel in expert mode and the upgrade buckets appear (e.g. X is the first class upgrade bucket, I is for upgrading to business class). But nothing replaces good ‘ol functionality, and it looks like Northwest has got it.

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Amtrak Buy Two Get One Free Plus Double Points

Amtrak is offering a free Acela Express or Metroliner roundtrip when you take two roundtrips between select cities through May 31. They’re also offering double Amtrak Guest Rewards points for tickets purchased with a Mastercard. Registration is required. Eligible city pairs are: Boston – Stamford, Boston – New York, Boston – Newark, Boston – Metropark, Boston – Washington, Boston – Philadelphia, Route 128 – Stamford, Route 128 – New York, Route 128 – Newark, Route 128 – Metropark, Route 128 – Washington, Route 128 – Philadelphia, Stamford – Washington, New York – Washington, Newark – Washington, Metropark – Washington. You can earn up to 8 free roundtrip certificates valid for travel between June 15, 2005 and December 15, 2005.

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Borders Discount

Print this coupon for 15% off a single item at Borders through February 2nd. You can, of course, print the coupon numerous times and make multiple trips to generate additional discounts.

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