About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Double Miles for Disaster Relief

Jan 06 2005

United is offering 500 miles for gifts of $50 or more to one of their six designated relief charities. If you pay with your United Visa, you’ll earn double miles (update for clarity: double miles on the actual donation amount, not on the 500 mile bonus).

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Free Upgrades on ATA

american trans air
Jan 06 2005

Bankrupt American Trans Air, working on recovery via cost and schedule cutting, cash from Southwest, and codesharing, is trying to entice bookings by promoting its business class cabin. If you book online at ATA.com by January 10 for travel by February 3, you’ll earn a day of departure business class upgrade certificate (to be mailed after February 3).

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Use Amex Points on OneWorld Carriers

amex 10 dollar gift card
Jan 05 2005

One of the great frustrations of the American Express Membership Rewards program is that American Airlines does not participate as a transfer partner. What’s more, it’s nearly* impossible to use American Express points to claim an award seat on any oneWorld carrier (American, British, Qantas, Cathay Pacific, Iberia, LanChile, Finnair, Aer Lingus). I say nearly because there are ways of working partnerships to get some seats, such as transferring points to Continental or USAirways to claim award seats on Qantas. But there aren’t any oneWorld partners in the Membership Rewards program. Right now there’s a brief window of opportunity, however, created by a confluence of two separate conversion bonuses. As I noted yesterday, transfers from American Express to Starwood earn a 50% bonus through March 31. And until January 31, transfers from hotel program into…

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Fare Glitch on Tickets Originating in French Polynesia

Travelocity seems to be having difficulty properly converting French Polynesia Francs to US Dollars. Right now, all tickets originating in Tahiti and Noumea are showing up at 10% of their usual dollar cost. For instance, Tahiti-Los Angeles roundtrips are showing up from $299 in business class. So if you plan to be in French Polynesia, now is the time to book your tickets. If you already have tickets to French Polynesia, consider buying a one-way return ticket in business or first class and throwing away your existing return. Or you might claim an award ticket to French Polynesia (expensive in miles, I know) and fly from there to pretty much anywhere in the world in a premium class of service. After catching a free flight, top level elite status can be had for ticketing originating…

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Subscription pitch!

Jan 01 2005

Don’t worry, it’s free… Sign up to receive each day’s content by email. Just enter your email address underneath my picture at right and each day’s entries will be sent to you overnight. I’ve never used the email list for any other purpose, so you don’t need to worry about spam either. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest deals. Another way is to subscribe to my RSS feed: http://blogs.flyertalk.com/viewwing/index.rdf (You can even get it on your mobile phone at http://www.winksite.com/gleff/blog)

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