About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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I got my desktop!

My free computer arrived today in two gigantic Dell boxes (one for the box, another for the monitor).I’ve managed the perfect trifecta, since I also completed the free iPod and free flatscreen offers. A new Wired magazine piece (hat tip to Ramble On) sounds a skeptical note, reporting that the company operating the free sites is nonresponsive in customer service. True enough, but their business model requires it, and they’re sending out free stuff. They claim to be a victim of their own success, causing too much demand for products that become backordered. Still, the ferris wheel may stop at some point, and the offer will end. But participants won’t be worse off at most offers require no cash out of pocket. As for me, the piece offered some encouragement: Gratis Networks may be launching…

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Earning rewards while revolving balances

I was talking the other day with a colleague who is considering getting a mileage-earning card. He has a card now that he revolves balances on, and was wondering whether it made sense to switch to a rewards card. A fairly detailed CardWeb analysis found that rewards cards tend to charge higher rates of interest, and that consumers who revolve balances are better off shooting for the lowest interest rate rather than the best rewards. That’s only half the story, though, because it doesn’t have to be an “either-or” proposition.Get two new cards: one card with zero interest on balance transfers (often a teaser during the opening months of card membership) and a second card with the rewards you want. Transfer outstanding balances to the first card and put new charges (that you pay off…

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Free computer

I just checked online and my order for a free desktop computer has been sent to the vendor – so I expect shipping in about a week. Not bad for a few minutes work. See this post for a discussion of the economics fo the deal. See this post for a discussion of how to complete the requirements of the offer as easily as possible and at no cost. And of course you can also get a free iPod and free flatscreen TV as well.

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Were they afraid he might sing to us?

TSA diverts United flight from Heathrow as a security precaution because Cat Stevens was onboard. Meanwhile, in another incident of paranoia unrelated to actual security, a Midwest Airlines flight was cancelled when a passenger found Arabic writing in an inflight magazine.

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$50 Off Packages at Onetravel.com

Consolidator Onetravel.com is offering $50 off packages which include air travel.Enter discount code 50PBBF in the special requests field. The discount won’t be taken right away, but rather sent to the purchaser as a rebate check. Booking must be made by October 31, 2004 and travel complete by November 30, 2005.

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Assault With a Deadly Bookmark

I feel so much safer now. Kathryn Harrington was flying home from vacation last month when screeners at the Tampa, Fla., airport found her bookmark. It’s an 8.5-inch leather strip with small lead weights at each end. Airport police said it resembled a weighted weapon that could be used to knock people unconscious. So the 52-year-old special education teacher was handcuffed, put into a police car, and charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Charges were dropped, and the teacher says she’ll never take her bookmark to an airport again.Update: This longer story has a picture of the menacing $10 bookmark: Truly appalling. The TSA hasn’t even apologized as far as I can tell. The sad conclusion is that we’ve created an arrogant bureaucracy that terrorizes passengers instead of promoting security.

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12-hour sale to London

Go-Today.com will be offering a special London package for $299 per person (double occupancy) including air, six nights hotel, and Continental breakfast daily. It will only be available from 9am – 9pm Eastern time on Monday, September 20th.The fare is valid from New York, with other cities slightly higher (Washington, DC will show up at $399 for instance). The price doesn’t bring luxury accomodations, but you’ll get a clean, convenient hotel property at an excellent price.

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