About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Continental adds ticketing fees

Continental jumps on the fee bandwagon. effective immediately, it will charge service fees when tickets are booked via its reservations centers or airport ticket counters in the United States. Continental will not charge a fee for booking and ticketing on continental.com or at airport self-service kiosks. A $5 USD fee will apply on tickets purchased via Continental’s U.S. reservations centers, and a $10 USD fee will apply on tickets purchased at a U.S. airport ticket counter. The $10 service fee at city ticket offices remains unchanged. The new non-refundable service fees apply for each domestic or international one-way or roundtrip ticket, and also for OnePass(R) reward tickets. The new service fees are waived, however, for all OnePass Platinum Elite members and their traveling companions booked on the same itinerary. While Platinum members can avoid fees…

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United Re-introduces Fly 3 Fly Free

For every three roundtrips on United, United Express or Ted flown between September 7, 2004 and January 31, 2005, United will give you a free coach domestic roundtrip ticket. Tickets must cost a minimum of $250, and discount economy tickets can’t include a Saturday stay. Registration is required by November 30th. The free tickets will be valid through June 10, 2005 for travel within the 48 contiguous US states (though residents of Hawaii and Alaska can fly from their home state to the US mainland). The free tickets are not upgradeable, require 14-day advance ticketing and a Saturday night stayover, and certain travel dates are blacked out. On the plus side, they are booked in “S or T class” meaning deeply discounted coach rather than coming out of award inventory. Hey, I won’t want to…

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$20 Donation Yields 5000 Hilton HHonors Points

City of Hope, which supports breast cancer research, is offering Hilton points to encourage donations. You don’t actually have to do the walk for breast cancer – you can walk ‘virtually’. And $20 donations earn the points at the following walks: Florida – Ft. Lauderdale Sunday, October 24, 2004 Florida – Miami-Aventura Sunday, October 03, 2004 Florida – Orlando Sunday, September 12, 2004

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New Marriott Promotion

Marriott is awarding 5000 bonus points for every three stays paid for with an American Express card between September 15th and January 31st. Registration is required, and the bonus can be earned up to five times.It’s always interesting to see promotions like this one with hotels and airlines that otherwise don’t partner with the credit card issuer. Marriott teams with BankOne to offer a co-branded Visa, and is has split with the American Express Membership Rewards program. Yet they managed to come to terms with Amex to fund this promotion.

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250,000 United Miles for $150?

You can earn 5,000 United miles for every $10,000 financed on a home equity loan until November 15th. The offer then reverts to the usual 1,300 miles per $10,000.Since some of the offers which may be available under this program have the bank paying relevant costs such as appraisal fees, the only expense is interest — which you’ll pay for just as long as it takes you to withdraw the funds and pay them back. Then once you discount for the tax deductibility of the interest you do pay, and the fact that you’ll likely earn some interest while the funds are temporarily parked before being paid back, the cost should be next to nothing for a large chunk of miles.By the way, the 250,000 miles assumes an equity loan of $500,000. Admittedly most of…

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10% Off at Best Buy

Best Buy has a printable 10% off coupon for use over Labor Day Weekend.Of course, if you buy in-store then you can’t get miles via an online shopping portal.

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Air Marshalls Enforcing — and Breaking — the Law

It’s not just for TSA screeners any more! Via David Rowell, there were 753 incidents of misconduct by federal air marshalls during an eight-month period of 2002. Federal air marshals have slept on the job, tested positive for alcohol or drugs while on duty, lost their weapons and falsified information, the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general said Monday in a scathing report on the air marshals program. The report criticized the the lenient treatment received by the marshalls, including paying them during forced leave.

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