About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Sorry for Not Writing, I’ll Try to Soon

This week is one of my busiest of the year at work. Y’know, my real job. Not this hobby of mine called miles and points. I don’t get paid for this, y’know! So if I want to keep getting paid well enough to have spare time to share my thoughts on travel with you, I have to pay attention to pressing concerns with my job.. at least this week. In the meantime, I did order my free desktop computer and monitor this afternoon. My free flat screen TV finally shipped and is on its way. And my free iPod is truly amazing. For those of you working towards completing these same offers, reader David Caplan shares the following tidbit: tickle.com is really easy. The sign up form is short, the cost is $1 and you…

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Bad Credit Card Advice from Frommers

A new article up at Frommer’s discusses no-fee mileage earning credit cards.Most airline credit cards come with an annual fee and earn one mile per dollar. Some airlines offer a no fee card that earns one mile for every two dollars spent. So it should be basic math – is the value of those extra miles worth more than the annual fee? That’s what this article discusses.However, it gets several facts wrong. [T]he airlines charged the consumer from $45 to $65 per year to use these cards. Umm, no, the banks charge the fee. The fee does not go to the airline marketing partner. Now for the all-important question, are the no-fee credit cards worth it? Depends on how much you fly. Typically, a holder of an annual fee airline frequent flyer awards-based credit card…

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Those darn free offers

I’ve received my free iPod, my free flat screen TV order has been sent to the vendor, and I’ve completed all of the tasks for the free desktop PC. A couple of reminders. If you sign up for an account, you’ll be taken through a whole series of marketing offers where you’re asked if you’re interested. The choices are Yes/No. Just choose No — these offers do not help you get your free stuff. The object then is to get credit for an offer without spending any money. So far I’ve done the AOL Free Trial (for the iPod), Video Professor (for the Flat Screen), and Infone (for the computer). I had no problems with AOL. I signed up and then a couple weeks later just called up to cancel. They give you a 45…

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Silly arguments against a silly policy

I’m as opposed to Northwest’s new fees for booking with a telephone agent as the next person. But there are just some silly claims being made in the debate.John Frenaye writes Last time you walked into a bank to deposit your paycheck, were you charged extra because you dealt with a person instead of an ATM? … No, of course not. In fact, it is quite common for banks to offer “self service” checking accounts where no fees are charged for ATM banking but use of a teller at a branch incurs a service fee. It’s frightening because there are millions of people out there without Internet access or credit cards. These folks are now going to be penalized for doing business with Northwest since they will be forced to deal with a travel agency…

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Free Desktop PC

So my I’ve been playing with my free iPod for a couple weeks, and my free Flat Screen TV has been sent to the vendor for shipping. The next freebie opportunity has arrived: an opportunity for a free Desktop PC. Like the previous deals, you need to complete one of their offers (such as a free trial, which you can cancel free of charge) and get friends to complete offers as well. Then they ship you a computer.

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Airtran Relaxes Business Class Upgrade Policy

Airtran is now offering space available upgrades to business class from any fare. Upgrades at checkin cost $35 per flight segment, except for flights to and from Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas which cost $50.Airtran elite members continue to get confirmed upgrades to business class at booking on full fare tickets, and purchased upgrades remain available the day before travel on all other fares.

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Another Northwest Bonus Promo

Mile-Zilla, “A Monster Promotion,” earns miles for a combination of activities such as buying tickets, checking in online, and crediting hotel and car rental points to a Worldperks account. Qualifying activities can begin September 7th and points can be accrued for activity through January 31st. Registration is required by December 31st. Up to 100,000 miles can be earned.

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A Monument is Acquired by Monument, Closes

The Watergate hotel is closing. Monument Realty has completed its purchase of the historic Watergate Hotel. Monument says it will change the name of the hotel to the Belle Rives and plans to transform the Watergate into 133 residences by 2006. Monument says they will range in price from $700,000 to more than $3 million for a three-bedroom penthouse.

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Sundays in New York

From 9am to 9pm Eastern time tomorrow, August 26th, the W New York can be booked for Sunday nights between September 5 and November 21, 2004 for $98. The W Times Square is available for $145 on those days. This can be booked online or by calling 877-WHOTELS and mentioning rate plan WSUNDAY. That’s better than Priceline.

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