The very first issue of The Economist — from 1843 — is now online. I especially liked reading about the Movements of the Anti-Corn-Law League.
Continental drops a bomb
So the anticipated announcement of EliteAccess may have been no big deal… but just a day later Continental dropped a bombshell:Beginning in 2004, miles flown on discount fares will only count 50% towards elite qualification. There’s a semi-out, though. You can continue to earn full elite qualifying mileage on discount fares for flights through June 30, 2004 by booking online. After June 30, 2004 it appears as though all low priced tickets will accumulate one elite mile for every two that are flown.For non-elites, this is a non-issue … this change only affects elite qualifying mileage. Regular miles that are used for award tickets are unchanged. (You still earn one of these for each mile flown, even on cheap flights.)One additional change is more expensive mileage upgrades. International K fares (the third from highest fare…
JetBlue to test CAPPS II
When details of new testing for Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System II (CAPPS II) profiling were disclosed last week, the TSA refused to say which airline(s) would be participating. The new system, called Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System II (CAPPS II), has sparked so much controversy among both liberal and conservative groups that the TSA has struggled to get it going. Delta Air Lines backed out of a testing program with the agency earlier this year, and now the TSA will not reveal which airlines will participate when it tests a prototype early next year. If all goes as planned, the TSA will begin the new computer screening of some passengers as early as next summer and eventually it will be used for all domestic travelers. Now, however, Wired reveals that JetBlue has agreed to…
Continental goof
Continental mistakenly handed out 250,000 miles — sometimes multiple times — instead of 250 miles to OnePass members who played an online game. They promptly took the points away and cancelled any award bookings that travelers had made with the miles.When Kellogg’s made a mistake at the beginning of the summer informing masses of American frequent flyers that they had won 25,000 miles when all they had done was enter a contest, they made a gesture of 500 miles as an apology.Continental has made no such apology.
Continental enhances travel for full fare passengers
Continental Airlines had the frequent flyer world waiting with baited breath for a ‘big announcement’. In the end, it wasn’t big news at all. It was some small and nearly costless service improvements for full fare flyers that don’t really do alot to make Continental more attractive than its competitors. A disappointment, really. Continental’s offerings are: Full fare passengers will be able to upgrade if there’s space available after elites have been upgraded. But that won’t happen most of the time, so they won’t be given a middle seat in coach. Well, not really. They’ll be given an aisle seat or window seat if one is available, which is how things work already. The enhancement is that when a full fare passenger is stuck in a middle seat, they’ll get 1000 frequent flyer miles. Full…
If you’re renting from Avis
Avis has a contest where the top prize is a million miles. Register and receive entries for your Avis rentals.
Free after rebate
This wireless network card is $40 – $40 rebate. Rather have the USB network adapter? That’s free after rebate also. So is the 8 port switch.
Even better than Degrassi Junior High
Canadians get 3000 bonus miles for Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan signup. Offer is valid through December 31st and requires a Canadian mailing address.
Uh, yum?
Sign up for a coupon for a free SmartOnes frozen meal.
15% off Southwest Airlines tickets
Reader David Caplan shares this tip: Southwest Airlines has 15% off airfare with code RR8HMX4R8H. Restricted to 3+ days advance purchases between 9/9 and 9/25. Good for flights from 9/12 through 1/16/04.