About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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$25 leather office chair

Pick this letter chair which Office Depot has for $69.99. Take $15 with coupon code 10853472 [Exp 9/18] and then receive a rebate for $30.02. This brings your total to $24.97 + tax and you get free shipping.

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Free items from CompUSA

Coupled with penny shipping, free after rebate isn’t bad. Siemens SpeedStream Ethernet Adapter ($5 – $5 rebate) Dragon Naturally Speaking 7 Essentials ($50 – $50 rebate) Memorex Air Duster, 10 oz. ($4 – $4 rebate)

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The most interesting thing I’ve read this weekend

And it isn’t about miles and points. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the car business, but this “investigative journalism” piece, Confessions of a Car Salesman, really hit home. Don’t go off on a test drive without reading it first. It’ll give you a good idea of what to expect — to help equalize the game — and it’s very true to the experience: customers are “ups,” getting fired is getting “blown out,” the finance manager is the “F&I man”.. closers.. desk.. the pack…Just avoid the overwrought moralizing of the last couple of paragraphs and it’ll be a worthwhile read.

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ANA award discount

All Nippon Airways is offering award tickets for 20% fewer miles — valid for bookings made by November 14th.Don’t have any ANA Mileage Club points? They’re an American Express Membership Rewards transfer partner…This special is good for ANA awards only — not for Star Alliance awards, unfortunately.

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Keeping track of your miles and points

The September issue of Inside Flyer magazine is now online. While most articles are available only to subscribers (a la Wall Street Journal), the cover story this month is available for free and surveys the various mileage manager services that help you track your miles and points.If you aren’t already using such a service, it’s worth a read. Personally, I use the free downloadable application MileTracker.

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Something to look forward to

The FAA says that air travel will be convenient again in 2025. “All of this can be done by 2025. We want to develop a system that is absolutely seamless and efficient,” (FAA Administrator Marion) Blakey said. Sounds to me like it’s time to find a replacement for Zager and Evans at the top of our nation’s airline security apparatus…

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Free webcam ‘n stuff

Circuit City has a webcam that’s free after rebate. But you have to go to a store to get it.And while you’re out of the house on the way to the electronics store, you might as well get a $9.99 oil change from Firestone and pick up a free Krispy Kreme donut.But what to read while munching on your donut and waiting for Firestone to finish your oil change? Well, there’s this free subscription to Golf Digest…

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Starwood mailing airline elites with free gold status

Starwood is marketing to the mailing lists of several airline elite programs and offering those elite members Gold status. They have websites set up for the elite members of United, Northwest, American, and USAirways. The mailing contains a Starwood Gold card and interested members go to the aforementioned sites to activate their cards.

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