About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Link to my website, fly first class

If you have a website, add a link to View from the Wing. If you have a blog, post about this site or add it to your blogroll. Then drop me a note about it. I will pick a winner at random, from those links received by July 1 at 12pm Eastern time, to receive (2) USAirways space upgrade certificates.(One additional caveat — if I’m already on your blogroll as of this post it doesn’t count. You’ll need to actually post about this site. 🙂

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Going once

You have less than a week left to open a British Airways Executive Club account without paying a top-dollar fare. So do it now.

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Other People Make Money Off Of What I (And Others) Give You For Free

Keith Rogol will go online and check what folks are paying for hotels via Priceline (using, for instance, Biddingfortravel.com and Betterbidding.com) and then charge you for what he learns. There’s even a current E-Bay auction where someone will sell you a hotel room that they’ll book in your name with Priceline. Or you can just read View from the Wing.

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I like your mail

I get a decent amount of mail, and I do my best to answer questions with as much detail as possible. I’d really love to hear from you if you have a question or would like advice on accumulating or redeeming frequent flyer miles (or for that matter anything to do with travel.Drop me a line!

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Reader Mail Part Two

Andrew writes: Hi Gary, I wonder if you can give me some advice. I’m a Continental One Pass member but don’t fly very often. Perhaps 3-4 times a year, both domestic and abroad. (I also have United miles, but much fewer.) I don’t currently use a credit card to accumulate miles, but realize that I probably should, especially as I’m about to purchase a $2,000 computer. It seems that the best credit card for me would be a Chase Continental card (not sure which one) or a Starwood Amex which frequent flyers seem to speak of very highly. Do you think one of these two cards are the right ones for me? Or would I be better off with something else? Thanks so much for your help! Andrew, I think you’re already on the right…

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Reader Mail Part One

Rita asked: In June 22, 2003 View from the Wing, there is a discussion about consolidating your mileage points into one airline, such as United. Is it saying that, for example, when you fly Alaska, you can have your miles earned in United’s plan? Or is it saying that you need to accumulate them as Continental miles, then transfer them to Amtrak and then to United? I know Alaska and American are linked, but I was unaware that United could be linked to Alaska. Alaska flights can be credited to Continental OnePass, and OnePass miles can be transferred 1:1 to United via Amtrak (up to 25k/yr). Raising Alaska does make for an interesting example. Alaska isn’t formally tied to a major carrier but has a whole sleuth of partners — Continental, Northwest, American, Qantas, Cathay…

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Airport Security is No Better Than Before

The Washington Post carries a story outlining several of the problems with federal airport security and concludes that in spite of all the spending and passenger inconvenience The federal government disclosed this month that it fired 85 felons it had hired to work as security screeners and that it has yet to finish 22,000 background checks. Private airport security firms, which hired screeners before the federal takeover, had similar problems. Charles G. Slepian, a former security consultant for TWA, is dismayed by the lapses. “Nothing has really changed that much in terms of substantive security,” he said. He noted that reinforced cockpit doors and more explosive-detecting machines have helped. But Slepian said Congress and the rest of the federal government are focusing too much on preventing another Sept. 11 attack instead of concentrating on other…

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More Legroom on Discount Carriers

The Atlanta Journal Constitution surveys coach legroom and finds that discount carriers tend to offer more. As I noted previously, this is important for infrequent travelers but not relevant for frequent travelers with elite status because for them the meaningful comparison is lowfare coach versus major airline first class.

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