About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Lloyd Grove reports

american flag
Jun 16 2002

Lloyd Grove reports on “Six Degrees of Fred Thompson” .. Former representative Ben Jones (D-Ga.), who played Cooter on “The Dukes of Hazzard” and is now running for Congress from Virginia, was in “Primary Colors” with John Travolta, who was in “Pulp Fiction” with Bruce Willis, who was in “Die Hard 2” with Fred Thompson. “The Price is Right” host Bob Barker lobbied for better treatment of circus elephants with Kim Basinger, the estranged wife of Alec Baldwin, who starred in “The Hunt for Red October” with Fred Thompson. Fred Thompson’s web also involves Denzel Washington, Lou Diamond Phillips and Benji.

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Two Sunday evening Reuters pieces

microsoft logo
Jun 16 2002

Two Sunday evening Reuters pieces caught my attention. First, Jacques Chirac’s center-right coalition won a huge landslide in parliamentary elections. I don’t know that anything will change — these are the French, after all — but it’s still sweet to see the socialist left trounced to such a degree that the leaders of the Green and Communist parties even lost their own seats. Second, Microsoft came out in favor of suing software companies for bugs and other defects. The story portrays Microsoft, whose balance sheets shows $39 billion in cash and cash equivalents, as the biggest target with the most to lose. It makes no attempt to reconcile this seeming contradiction, other than to suggest that Microsoft products are pretty good and they can defend themselves well in court. Shame on journalists who miss the…

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If I post too much

Jun 16 2002

If I post too much during the day from work, my employer might have to fire me. That might be okay, because Talentology is an online job bank which gives 500 United miles for each interview that you get from their site.

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Joshua Marshall likes

american flag
Jun 16 2002

Joshua Marshall likes the Kaus piece, too, and decides to look into the origins of the term “homeland defense.” One of the earliest examples comes out of The Heritage Foundation.

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ABC News reports

american flag
Jun 15 2002

ABC News reports that even members of Congress are feeling the effects of a rule that passengers must remain seated for the first and last half hour of flights into and out of Washington-National airport. Democratic Rep. Sanford Bishop, flying from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to Hartsfield Airport on Delta Flight 1717, got up to go to the bathroom after the mandatory half-hour when passengers must stay seated, but found the lavatories on the airplane occupied, his office and aviation sources said. Sanford then asked a flight attendant for a cup, and “may” have said he intended to relieve himself, his office said. He went to a section of the plane between the cockpit and first-class, then urinated into the cup, said Bishop spokesman Selby McCash, who described the congressman as “a very gracious…

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I like email. If

american airlines
Jun 15 2002

I like email. If you need some suggestions on how to get extra miles, what airline program or hotel program to belong to, which credit card to choose, or how to go about getting award reservations, drop me a line.

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Mickey Kaus has

american flag
Jun 14 2002

Mickey Kaus has an excellent piece in Slate in which he does a very good job explaining the problems with the phrase “homeland security.” I highly recommend it.

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Wow. I’ve already had two

Jun 14 2002

Wow. I’ve already had two contributions through Amazon. THANK YOU. Amazon hasn’t told me who you are, but I appreciate it. By the way, if readers out there decide to contribute, please also drop me an e-mail. It helps lots — I’ll even acknowledge you on the site if it’s alright with you. Thanks!

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This Washington Post

american flag
Jun 14 2002

This Washington Post article speaks for itself. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights usually investigates discrimination complaints outside its offices. But in the case of its former staff solicitor, Emma Monroig, the agency could have stayed indoors. … Monroig was awarded $150,000 for back pay, mental duress and attorneys’ fees. The EEOC also ordered that she be reinstated as solicitor. … Commission employees have filed nine recent complaints with the EEOC, commission officials said. Three were filed by Hispanics, and the rest by black and white workers. Of those nine, at least three have been settled. In light of Monroig’s award, questions about the treatment of staff, performance evaluations and other personnel issues linger, officials said. Monroig’s odyssey with the EEOC began in 1994, when she filed an informal discrimination complaint. Passman said her claim…

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