Back in October, Eugene Volokh posted about logical flaws in the old cliche about an infinite number of monkeys eventually producing the works of Shakespeare. Since the cliche relies on randomness of the monkeys typing, and since chimps don’t type randomly (even if we aren’t able to discern the patterns), they would never accomplish a play — let alone a sonnet. This argument is now backed up by science, apparently. According to a report from BBC News Lecturers and students from the University of Plymouth wanted to test the claim that an infinite number of monkeys given typewriters would create the works of The Bard. A single computer was placed in a monkey enclosure at Paignton Zoo to monitor the literary output of six primates. But after a month, the Sulawesi crested macaques had only…
Long distance travel – intergalactic commute – but the benefits are worth it
An Oregon mental health facility is looking to hire a translator who speaks Klingon. Apparently enough patients insist on speaking only Klingon that they need a special interpreter. (Link via the Volokh Conspiracy.) Update: CNN and the AP appear to have gotten the story wrong. Klingon was thrown into the long list of potential languages, and a Klingon interpreter would only be paid if their services were needed — but no patient has actually attempted to communicate in Klingon…
Instant Starwood Gold
Get automatic Gold status in the Starwood Preferred Guest program by calling Starwood (888-625-4988) and mentioning code “VF.” You’ll need to provide your Lufthansa frequent flyer number (you can sign up for one here). The promotion is valid through September 15 2003. Giving Starwood your Lufthansa number sets you up to deposit your Starwood points earned directly in your Lufthansa Miles & More account plus 3000 Lufthansa points after every second stay (up to a maximum of 9000 points).
One of the most wasteful agencies in the federal government makes some cuts and Hilary Clinton complains. I knew I didn’t like her.
Where I stand and why
I’m often asked about my political beliefs in non-political settings (even at the Freddie Awards!), probably because I work in a very political environment. People often assume that I’m a Republican because I’m a strong advocate of market solutions to social problems. And I’m not. And that confuses people. When I tell them that I’m a libertarian (but not a member of the Libertarian Party for heaven sakes), they assume I’m just a pie-in-the-sky utopian ignoring political realities. I certainly don’t think that I am! I thought I’d pass along Jacob Levy’s articulation of why he’s a libertarian and not a Republican, because I found it to ring quite true: I’m not a Republican because I’m unwilling to draw the line where the Republican Party draws it– trying to exclude David Duke and Pat Buchanan…
The ‘discount’ hotel website, (also known as Hotel almost never offers the lowest rate. A Consumer Reports study finds that Travelocity scored the best among online sites a plurality (29%) of the time, and that Orbitz and Expedia tended to do better as well. (Link via Joe Brancatelli.)
Senatorial privilege
A man pretended to work for the Senate and convinced travel agents to give him free airline tickets, which he resold. The man has been arrested. I’d love to know what he promised them or threatened them with in exchange for the tickets…
Starwood contest
Enter Starwood’s Modern Luxury Sweepstakes for a chance to win a choice of a shopping weekend in New York, golf weekend in Florida, or a spa weekend in Arizona. When you check out the details, the prizes are actually better than they sound.
Hey, thanks! I’m getting alot of hits today!
Not sure why. But if you like what you see, please bookmark me and spread the word. And if you’d like to receive one nightly email with the day’s posts, you can easily subscribe by entering your email address in the box underneath my picture on the upper right side of the screen. I have never used the e-mail list for any other purpose — and I will not.
A new fundamental right in Denmark: Beer
A Danish court upheld the right to drink beer during unpaid breaks at work.