About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Whether you believe in such things or not, this is just too good…

Jewish Miracle Fish Believed To Warn Of Apocaplyse An obscure Jewish sect in New York has been gripped in awe by what it believes to be a mystical visitation by a 20lb carp that was heard shouting in Hebrew, in what many Jews worldwide are hailing as a modern miracle. Many of the 7,000-member Skver sect of Hasidim in New Square, 30 miles north of Manhattan, believe God has revealed himself in fish form. According to two fish-cutters at the New Square Fish Market, the carp was about to be slaughtered and made into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner when it suddenly began shouting apocalyptic warnings in Hebrew. Read the whole thing. My favorite part? Stand-up comedians have already incorporated the carp into their comedy routines at weddings. One gefilte company has considered changing it’s…

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TSA: Promoting Your Safety, Scolding You For Your Ideas

Those of you who have been visiting this site since the summer know that I have been very skeptical of the federal government’s efforts at ‘airline security.’ Basically, my position has been that the TSA is filled with un-serious people who are asking us to give up liberties while doing little that actually protects us. Now here comes a story that really chills me. A TSA employee slipped a note into a passenger’s baggage, questioning his patriotism: “Don’t appreciate your anti-American attitude!” was neatly hand written on the standard notice TSA places inside all the bags that screeners open. “This security person decided to let me board, but not before scolding me for being un-American,” Goldberg told Reuters in an interview. It’s one thing to throw out ideas like probable cause in the name of…

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Record labels and retailers to pay you $12.60

If you filed a claim for free money from the record industry (in the CD price-fixing case), it looks like you’re going to get $12.60. 3.5 million people filed. It’s now up to a judge to certify the deal on May 2nd, and then checks would follow a few weeks after. (Update via Aimee Deep.)

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How Many Miles is the Most?

Qantas’ top frequent flyer has 20 million frequent flyer miles — apparently mostly earned with butt-in-seat flying rather than by running up high credit card bills. The article has a few inaccuracies, for example domestic US carriers don’t have a business class, much in the way fast-food franchises don’t carry “small” drinks and burgers United does sell business class seats domestically on all of its 3-class aircraft. American certainly sells business class on 3-class planes from New York, Boston, and Washington DC to Los Angeles You can’t buy tier points by spending money on your credit card. Carriers don’t give them away in promotions. Actually, you can earn tier points by spending $25,000 on a Delta Skymiles American Express. America West is currently offering a deal where by flying and using its partners you can…

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5000 Free American, Delta, or Continental Miles

Tell Fortune about all the meetings you plan for work and you’ll get to choose which airline you’d like miles on. I pass this one along, but let me offer a caution. This one does sound a bit too good to be true. I did this one myself, although I notice a few things fishy about the site: They misspell resort as restort. This offer is on the front page of a website, as opposed to being a targeted offer. While they claim at the top of the page that “Fortune magazine invites you to qualify for 5000 Frequent Flyer Miles,” it’s unclear how (if at all) this is associated with Fortune magazine. There isn’t even a link to Fortune. The “Browse” link doesn’t work/do anything. There’s no “About Us” feature on the site. If…

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