About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Delta signup bonus

Refer your friends to Delta. Give Delta the email address of a friend who does not currently have a Delta frequent flyre account. Delta sends them an email. If they join, you get 500 miles and they get 1000 miles if they fly Delta or even get miles in some other way (such as via the free Skymiles Dining program). Some folks might interpret the offer as “Delta is losing customers because of the changes to their frequent flyer program.” But that doesn’t seem credible to me, since they’ve made the same offer in the past. Delta just wants word of mouth marketing.

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Northwest signup bonus

The old Northwest frequent flyer signup bonus offering 4,000 miles for the first roundtrip expired December 31st. Now there’s a new offer for new Worldperks members. Signup and receive 6,000 miles — 1,000 bonus miles after the first roundtrip and 5,000 more bonus miles after the second roundtrip. (Enroll by May 31 and complete flights within 6 months.)

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Looks like the amazing Amtrak offer is no more. Amtrak ticket purchases now must be for $25 or more in order to earn Mypoints.

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In my line of work, I meet alot of folks with their own jets. I fly commercial. That puts me at a bit of a cultural disadvantage. Fortunately, Bombardier Flexjet publishes a list of ten Rules of Jetiquette for first-time fliers on privately owned jets. Business2.0 provides a summary. The longer piece, summarized in the April, 2003 issue of The Atlantic (Not online yet, but hopefully the piece will be here) offers: Observe the boarding, seating, and drop-off hierarchies… The captain or the owner of the aircraft will normally greet and escort you to the plane. The owner is usually the last to board. The owner will usually sit forward facing and as close to the flight deck as possible, depending on the layout of the aircraft. This way, the owner can more easily communicate…

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Elliott Replies

Christopher Elliott replies to my criticism of his recent article on the five best flights in America. Well, sort of. He finds a typo. ** Winging It Subscriber Doug Jensen shared an item in Gary Leff’s “View From The Wing” blog in which he took me to task for last week’s column on the best airline flights. In it, Leff writes that the story “really set me off” and then proceeded to say that I “offered tidbits just are just wrong.” Now, I’m sure he meant to write that I offered tidbits “that are just wrong,” and a good editor is hard to find, indeed. But as I contemplated Leff’s critique, two thoughts crossed my mind: 1) There’s no such thing as bad publicity; and 2) Hey, at least someone is reading with a critical…

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800 Mypoints for $1

A couple of days ago, I showed you how to get 2550 Mypoints for $2.10. Here’s how to get another 800 Mypoints for $1. Go to the Mypoints website and click on Shopping on the lefthand menu. There should be a big promo in the middle of your screen for 800 points for any purchase with Tupperware. If there isn’t, hit reload until that promo comes up. Click on the promo and go to the Tupperware website. Pick up a gift certificate (just send it to yourself) and choose $5 as the value. Then, go to your shopping cart and change the amount of the gift certificate to $1. Check out (buy the certificate). Once you’re done, on the confirmation page, there’ll be a link (at the bottom of the page) to claim your 800…

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