The Economist profiles Hernando de Soto — a conservative economist who talks with Bono and who was touted by Bill Clinton at Davos.
The biggest case of financial
The biggest case of financial mismanagement in American history. And it isn’t what you think. A 100 year-long accounting scandal involving possibly $100 billion dollars. And a cabinet secretary held in contempt of court. I usually write mostly about travel, but this story was just interesting and I had heard only a scant little about it before.
Just another reason why Alaska
Just another reason why Alaska Air has an outstanding frequent flyer program. When you redeem a free ticket to Australia, they’ll given you another free ticket good anywhere in the U.S. (including Alaska). So what are the other reasons that I like Alaska? First of all, their elite-level is pretty outstanding. Free upgrades from any fare — 2 days out for MVPs and at the time of booking (subject to availability) for MVP Golds. Note also that they have the lowest threshold of any US airline for qualifying as an elite — only 15,000 miles. They even give MVP Golds upgrade coupons to pass out to their friends. Second of all, their partnerships are excellent — American and Northwest, to name a few. Third, they are a good airline, even in coach. They have one…
America West has a website
America West has a website (intended for internal use) which will show you exactly how many passengers are booked on any of its flights.
The Vatican is
The Vatican is looking to name a patron saint for the Internet by Easter. Goodness knows the pathetic websites of United, Continental, and USAirways could use one.
Hooters Air really
Hooters Air really will be staffed by Hooters waitresses — two per plane to serve beverages, etc.
The most important thing I
The most important thing I read today — Jude Wanniski’s hawk/dove quiz which offers a debunking of common myths about Iraq. (Thanks to Mark Brady for the link.)
I haven’t been able to
I haven’t been able to travel — or post — much recently. Because I’ve been on the phone. With the IRS. Well, I’ve been busy at work dealing with some crises (like a flood). So it’s not entirely because of the IRS. But I’ve spent way too much of the past few days jousting at bureaucratic windmills. Yesterday I spent nearly three hours on the telephone trying to find out where to get a simple IRS form. Three hours of my life that I’ll never get back. After calling the main help line, the phone number for my local IRS office, several other offices, and the taxpayer advocate, I still had no answer. Here are the highlights: The form I needed cannot be printed from the website. Oh, it’s there, mind you. With a notice…
USAirways is offering
USAirways is offering systemwide double miles. Remember that these are on top of all the other USAIrways bonuses.
Lots of folks are angry
Lots of folks are angry at the changes to Delta’s Frequent Flyer elite-level benefits, but the Delta American Express still have one of the better bonuses going — up to 25,000 miles.