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Tony Woodlief asks,
Tony Woodlief asks, “how do you suppose airlines reconcile the belief that passengers need instruction in seatbelt fastening with the belief that we care about the current altitude, visibility, and aircraft windspeed?”
Their turn-ons are long walks
Their turn-ons are long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners and free-market economies. Yes, the Libertarian party has some righteous BABES! Meet them in the calendar. (Link via Damon Chetson.)
Would you pay $1000
Would you pay $1000 to change red lights to green?
The National Institute of Standards
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is talking about redefining the kilogram. See also this story.
A very good thing. Wired
A very good thing. Wired reports that file-sharing service Kazaa has successfully evaded the recording industry’s attempts to shut it down by setting up operations in multiple jurisdictions around the globe.
Own an Enron
Own an Enron Paper Shredder.
I live in Washington, D.C.
I live in Washington, D.C. — and according to Ron Bailey, Washington is Hollywood for ugly people.
Ass-kicking for sale
Ass-kicking for sale on e-bay. (Link via Instapundit.)
Hooters Air remains
Hooters Air remains on track to fly. (apologies for mixing metaphors)