I’ve broken down and done it. Impeach Norm Mineta bumper stickers are on the way. I should be shipping them by the end of the week. Just $2 covers the bumper sticker and domestic U.S. shipping (via USPS first class mail). As you can see, I’m out to make a point, not to make money. As a result, I need to keep this as simple for myself as possible. I’m accepting payment only via Paypal (send money to gleff@gmu.edu). All sales final. Get them while they’re hot! (Edited to say: Welcome Instapundit visitors! I’d appreciate it lots if you would check out the front page of my site I’m even giving away free first class upgrades and airline drink coupons. Check it out.)
I called for
I called for the impeachment of Norm Mineta back on 7/18. Instapundit thinks we need bumper stickers. A quick search suggests they can be had quickly and inexpensively: 250 @ 50 cents apiece.. or one at a time for $4.95. Any bloggers out there want to take up the challenge? If not, I may do it.
Check out the
Check out the War On Drugs Clock — and see just how much we’re spending and how many people are being sent to jail for a product that’s only harmful when the government criminalizes it. Time to shut down the prohibition-industrial complex.
Laura Crane is
Laura Crane is just as sick of the joke of airport security and she has the same site design that I do, too! (Link via Instapundit.)
I don’t know how I
I don’t know how I missed this a couple of weeks back. A man sued four fast food chains, claiming he became obese from eating their food.They said 100 percent beef.’ I thought that meant it was good for you,” Barber told Newsday. I thought the food was OK.” Those people in the advertisements don’t really tell you what’s in the food,” he said. It’s all fat, fat and more fat. Now I’m obese.’”
The U.N. promotes human
The U.N. promotes human rights abroad.: A DAMNING dossier sent by Kathryn Bolkovac to her employers, detailing UN workers’ involvement in the sex trade in Bosnia, cost the American her job with the international police force. She was sacked after disclosing that UN peacekeepers went to nightclubs where girls as young as 15 were forced to dance naked and have sex with customers, and that UN personnel and international aid workers were linked to prostitution rings in the Balkans. .. During her time in Bosnia as an investigator, Ms Bolkovac, 41, uncovered evidence of girls who refused to have sex being beaten and raped in bars by their pimps while peacekeepers stood and watched. She discovered that one UN policeman who was supposed to be investigating the sex trade paid
European Union officials have a
European Union officials have a new perk — subsidized Viagra.
The dictator of Turkmenistan wants
The dictator of Turkmenistan wants to rename all of the months after celebrities, starting with himself.
Get a free Lord of
Get a free Lord of the Rings VHS or DVD when you test drive a Kia.
El Al sent
El Al sent a letter to inform Leah Rabin that her frequent flyer points are about to expire and they were terminating her membership. The wife of the former Israeli Prime Minister died more than a year ago.