About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Free elite status. You may

Free elite status. You may recall from my earlier posts that the way you get treated well up in the air is by becoming one of an airline’s “elite members” — something that most airlines award with 25,000 miles of travel in a year. Continental is actually offering “trial” elite status. Specifically, they are offering “silver elite” status through November 15, 2002. All you have to do is call 1-800-554-5522 and ask for promo code “GG ONE RA2M26”. Plus, this status will be extended through February, 2004 if you fly 3 roundtrips before the end of promo period and they’ll give you “Gold” status if you fly 6 roundtrips. There’s only one hitch — this came as a targeted mailing. That means you may not technically be eligible — but folks are having success signing…

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I’m a bit late with

I’m a bit late with this story, but I still thought it worth mentioning. I’ve always thought that the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II was an abomination. First, because the massive loss of civilian life and ensuing human suffering was incredible, and second because it looked quite clear that the U.S. would have won the war anyway — so it wasn’t justified as a way of saving other lives. Now, there’s new evidence that Japan was close to developing its own atomic bomb. This actually makes me rethink the whole issue a bit. I’m still not comfortable with the U.S. decision to drop the bomb – and to the extent that Americans were unaware of the Japanese progress, their actions may not be any less…

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United Mileageplus Dining

United Mileageplus Dining members (and if you aren’t one you should be — it’s free.. and lots of other airlines offer the same deal) earn 500 bonus miles automatically for eating at three participating restaurants by October 31st. (Edited to note that the link above for 500 bonus miles doesn’t work unless you’re first logged in at My Mileageplus. That’s okay — just take my word for it. You don’t need to register for the promotion if you’re already registered for Mileageplus Dining.)

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A man is

A man is suing the doctor who circumcised him as a baby, even though his mother consented and the doctor didn’t flub the procedure.

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Northwest Airlines takes

Northwest Airlines takes jab at United’s bid for federal loan guarantee. United has $2.7 billion in cash and $3 billion in aircraft that it owns outright. Northwest just raised $750 million in bonds back by their aircraft. Is there any reason United can’t do the same? United wants a subsidized loan of $1.8 billion from the federal government, but the argument about lack of access to capital markets seems weak — especially when Delta has recently raised $3.5 billion on its own.

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Check those airline itineraries!. A

Check those airline itineraries!. A British couple bought tickets from London to Sydney over the internet — only they wound up in Sydney, Nova Scotia instead of Sydney, Australia. Their first clue was when they were asked to transfer to a turboprop in Halifax.

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