About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Southwest Airlines ‘Pillow Fight’: Gate Agent Called It A Bag, But The Passenger Held Their Ground

Dec 02 2024

A Southwest Airlines passenger tried to board their flight with a travel pillow. The gate agent had a problem with this – because they already had a carry-on and a personal item, and this was a third “bag.” From the photo though they eventually prevailed. Usually they’re right, personal items aren’t always counted as personal items! But there’s ambiguity.

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Loyal Delta Flyers Watch As First Class Seats Sit Empty: Gate Agents Refuse Last-Minute Upgrades

Dec 02 2024

The airline has gotten very good about merchandising premium seats – and is willing to sell them very cheap, especially as upsells to infrequent flyers. They want to take a few tens of dollars from a once a year customer rather than upgrading a very frequent flyer who spends tens of thousands of dollars. Delta is also most likely to skip processing upgrade lists at the gate of the major airlines.

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TSA’s ‘Fix’ Is A Mirage: Are We Just Settling For Long Lines And 95% Failure Rates?

Dec 01 2024

There’s a growing elite consensus that the TSA has been fixed and is no longer a problem. I think that the narrative is misleading. TSA pays screeners more, so it doesn’t have a problem hiring screeners. That’s made a difference in security lines at some airports. But that’s the only dimension along which they’ve seemed to improve. It’s also the one most visible to travelers, so they’re getting too much credit.

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Passengers Forced To Wait For Bathroom As Southwest Pilot Reportedly Spends 10 Minutes Flirting With Flight Attendant: FAA Rules Ignored?

Dec 01 2024

After 9/11, the cockpit gets blocked off when the door is opened. A pilot goes to the lavatory, and no one can approach the front of the aircraft. That makes sense, but the flipside is that this should be reserved only for the pilot’s important needs. Here, a Southwest Airlines pilot flying from Dallas Love Field to Los Angeles reportedly spends a part of the flight chatting up a flight attendant, while passengers are forced to wait to use the lavatory. That seems like bad judgment to me – and actually illegal!

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Uber’s Dark Descent: How Abandoning Innovation Hurt Drivers and Gouges Riders

Dec 01 2024

Uber drivers frequently protest their declining pay and it strikes me that there was an uproar over how Uber treated its drivers and that was part of pushing out their founder CEO, but things have actually gotten worse for drivers since then. For instance, many work 12 hour days earning less than $100 per day. Uber used to take 20% of the fare, now drivers report giving up 60%. Back then they might earn $400 per day. Pre-summer 2017, drivers had several complaints. Drivers didn’t have any choice in trips. They’d find out once they accepted the ride (and cancelling on riders once they learned the destination could get them kicked off of the platform). This was a solution to a real problem with taxis. In New York City you stand there and hail a…

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