Barred From Flying To Bali Over ‘Tiny Bit Of Water Damage’ In Passport [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Crazy.

    When I lived in south America, my passport, with extra pages and various visas was more worn and bent than my backpack. No one ever had a problem.

    Maybe “influencer” status has more to do with it?

    I have only been denied boarding once in my life: In Panama, I didn’t have the required yellow fever vax endorsement to return to Brazil. But even then, Copa Air came up with a unique solution, and I was back a day later.

  2. Is this really true or just an opportunity to get more views on Instagram? I am not impressed with her appearance or the collagen injected lips.

  3. Some countries, Mexico off the top of my head, are especially strict on passport damage. Generally it tends to be those places that have border control challenges or struggle with smuggling or other illegal acts. If you get denied entry, the airline gets fined and has to remove you from the country immediately.

  4. Pocahontas (Lizzy Warren) is the epitome of a grifter. She made her fortune crying about the very things she complains about now. She uses grievance politics because she knowns the average mudbrain democrat gravitates towards it like moths to a flame.

  5. I like the hotel advice for SPG and Hyatt Gold Passport. A nostalgia blast from the past.

  6. Christian are you the same guy opposing people from taking bags during an evacuation because it implies their laptop > your life? Have you ever considered you’re a worthless f-tard and that laptops are at least $899?

  7. @Alison/Pete – What does this have to do with the subject at hand? Nice to know the alter ego thing on your part though.

  8. That bee-sting anaphylaxis gonna spread to her throat if she’s not careful.

    Someone get this gal an epi-pen, stat!

  9. Idiot in Bali talks like she has marbles I need mouth. News flash. Nobody gives a F…

  10. Haha… the Senator can say whatever she wants, but the government must always take into consideration any comments received (even if that just means summarizing the number of form letters and noting why the agency is disagreeing with the comments). In general, it doesn’t really matter if its a form letter saying literally the exact same thing, or personalized letters that basically make the same point — it would matter if the comments were representing a diverse group of stakeholders, but this does not seem to be the case. As such, they will be largely ignored, but not because the Senator gave her permission.

  11. As one who travels to Bali frequently, I have never had a problem & never heard of anyone ending up in a Bali cell over a passport. My passport, which was new, lacked a particular stamp when I was exiting and immigration arranged to get the right stamp for me at the airport. Bali is a tourist destination and jailing potential tourists would not be good form. This sounds like the Australian border people, as she was stopped in Sydney, who are in fact notorious.

  12. I always thought passport covers were a waste of $$, but I’m ordering one now.

    Good to see the X1 acquisition, hopefully Robinhood will do more to promote it. Given the mediocre reward structure, here is little reason to keep X1 in my wallet, though it is quite handy for generating single use trial cards with fixed limits that autocancel.

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