Brand New Airline Lounge In Anchorage Won’t Have Any Passengers [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The US is built politically and for the most part culturally not to have expansive public transportation.

    Anyways outside the major cities , have you seen the people that ride the bus

  2. What will be a bigger joke is if they ever actually complete it, only to realize nobody wants to take a train for 4 hours @ $300, when you can fly in 1 hr for $100.

    You know what’s not green and climate friendly? Wasting a hundred billion dollars on an asset that is unnecessary and uneconomical, as all but myopic activists knew from the beginning.

  3. I was intrigued by the “fraud for beginners” lead so I watched it…HORRIFIED, and ANGRY was the result. These are the grifting scumbags who make life more expensive and difficult for the rest of us, I believe, because THEIR fraud “trickles down” in higher costs for the rest of us. Since he was stupid enough to put it on TT, I hope someone tracks him down and prosecutes him for the fraud of which he is so proud.

  4. Democracy doesn’t work when it comes to building infrastructure. That’s why authoritarian countries have excellent infra. If we need to build something, we need:

    — One decision maker.

    — No input from affected parties. This track runs behind your home? Too bad. You live in Fresno and you want a stop there? In your dreams!

  5. Concerning the Marriott fee: “…while making its upfront prices appear lower.”. I’m sure we all know that Marriott agreed to NOT hide fees but put everything “upfront”. So is this another thing to hit them with now, or is the “Worker Protection Fee” exempt from the “everything upfront” agreement?

  6. To be fair, if this is the business model of the the twice impeached, twice indicted, twice arrested, serial rapist xPOTUS, you can’t blame a dumb kid for hawking this on TikTok.

  7. Democracy and infrastructure go together fine- look at Japan, or Switzerland, Germany, France or even Singapore (yes, it’s a democracy) if you want examples of democratic countries with good infrastructure.

    It’s the citizen democracy in the US that’s the problem. Well-intended laws like environmental review requirements are being used to block projects that have little environmental impact and the large majority of citizens want. It’s a symptom of Americans feeling like they have the right to block anything they don’t like. It’s actually anti-democratic- rule by the minority by referendum and paperwork.

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