Cathay Pacific’s Downfall: Hong Kong’s Former Glory Now Government’s Target [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The Cathy article was insightful, they key statement was this: “Most observers agree with the Hong Kong Aviation Officers Association’s (HKAOA) assessment that a pilot shortage is at the core of Cathay’s woes – the result of Hong Kong imposing some of the world’s longest-lasting and most draconian travel restrictions during the pandemic.” In other words, the Chinese Government is heavily criticizing Cathay Pacific for a situation caused entirely by the Chinese Government.

  2. Unless and until Japan becomes a very popular tourist destination for repeat visitors from China, it shouldn’t be a shock that Japan sees fewer visitors than Las Vegas. Las Vegas has the benefit of being a cheap flight destination for a lot of people not needing a passport and open more to domestic and foreign visitors than a Japan that is still very uneasy with a lot of foreign tourists. If you think American waiters/waitresses and bar tenders have an issue with foreign tourists, you should really try to find out what Japanese restaurant and bar owners and their employees think about foreign tourists. Let’s just say America is a far more open and welcoming place, and it’s a key reason why America is growing and getting better off while Japan (and Europe) really are not keeping up and are increasingly falling behind. Xenophobia sucks life out of a country.

  3. I am generally not impressed with the Thai food in the USA after having been to Thailand more than two dozen times. The street food in Thailand is generally outstanding. That being said, I had reasonably good Thai food at a Thai restaurant in Mesquite, NV a month ago. The other three in my group were Thai ladies and they also agreed that the food was reasonably good.

  4. Lotus of Siam is fine but IMHO the absolute best Thai restaurant in the US is Jitlada in LA’s Thai town area (Sunset just east of Western). Southern Thai is their specialty (which can be very hot and the way I like it) but a very large, diverse menu. Restaurant has been featured numerous times on TV and in magazine rankings. If in LA and enjoy Thai food give Song and her team a try at Jitlada. Very authentic and unique. I’m not comparing to restaurants in Thailand, just like I wouldn’t compare any other food (Indian, Italian, French, etc.) to native countries but the best I’ve had in the US and I love Thai food so have eaten at many, many places across the country.

  5. Is Jitlada the place with The Simpsons sketches in it? If so, it’s good. Unfortunately, LA traffic is so horrendous that I try to minimize even visiting.

  6. @GUWonder – yes. Matt Groening is one of their many fans and has quite a few Simpson drawings around the place.

  7. Let’s not feel too bad for Cathay Pacific. The Al Jazeera mentioned that company received “pressure from the Chinese authorities to crack down on employees who supported the (2019 pro democracy) protests.”

    CX fired people who either attended protests or posted social media posts supporting them.

    Company is getting exactly what it deserves.

  8. The guy acting like a prize jerk about flying first class reminds me why I loathe social media.

  9. Multi-guest shampoo/conditioner/body wash dispensers are sweeping the hotel industry worldwide these days. I’d say 80% of the hotels I’ve stayed in during the last 6 months have had them, in all categories from budget to luxury. If sharing a container with other guests grosses you out, I’d suggest an easy solution: bring your own products. Personally, I always have an old-school tiny hotel shampoo bottle in my quart-ziplock just in case the maid hasn’t refilled the bottle and I don’t have time/interest to call down for a replacement.

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